

Unit 1 1. 假设你是Jenny,你想申请加入Antique Music Club, 请写一封电子邮件给Mr.Green 内容包括:
(1你的个人情况(姓名、年龄、班级)。 (2你的爱好和你能做的事(至少两点)。 (3你想加入的是哪一个俱乐部?为什么?
Dear Mr.Green, Wish you everything goes well! My name is Jenny. I am 13 years old. I study in Class 3, Grade 7. I like wearing Han Chinese Clothingand classical Chinese music. I can play some Chinese musical instruments, such as pipa and guzheng. I hope I can join Antique Music Club. Then I can learn more about Chinese culture and Chinese music. Could you please give me the chance? I promise I will work hard and I wont let you down.(我保证会努力不让你失望的)
I am looking forward to your reply(我期待你的回复). Thank you.
Yours, Jenny 2. 假设你是李华, 请写一封邮件给Bob告诉他你的一些个人情况。内容包括: (1你的性格特点
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(2你的兴趣爱好和特长 (3你参加的俱乐部。 Dear Bob,
Im happy to tell you something about myself. I am a nice boy and I am very good with other students. I like to play soccer and I can play it well. Im in the school soccer club. I am good at Chinese, math and English too. Im in the school homework club. I often help the students with their homework. I can also help teachers do some things. Yours, Li Hua

1. 你放学之后有空吗?
2. 你的能力(你喜欢音乐吗,你会唱歌吗,你会弹钢琴或者拉小提琴吗?) 3. 加入音乐俱乐部你能够获得什么。
4. 联系方式:电子邮箱:Danny868@gmail.com或者电话980-3375. Musicians Wanted Are you free after school? Do you like music? Can you sing? Can you play the piano or the violin?We need musicians for our music club. You can have fun and you can also make friends here. Please e-mail me at Danny868@gmail.com or call me at 980-3375.]

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1. 假设你是Frank,请你用英语向其他国家的小朋友介绍自己的日常生活 内容包括:
(2你每天的一些日常生活习惯,包括好的习惯和不好的习惯(至少三点)。 (3不好的习惯你打算怎么改正?
Hello everyone!I am Frank. I am from China. I am 14 years old. I usually get up at 630 in the morning. Then I run for half an hour. After that, I always take a shower. Then I have breakfast at about 720. At 740, I go to school by school bus. My first class begins at 800. I usually have rice,meat and some vegetables for lunch at school. After lunch, I often have some ice-cream or soft drinks. I know it is bad, but I think it is delicious. My classes finish at 500 p.m. I get home at about 530. After dinner, I do my homework. I go to bed at 930. Thats one day of my life. I think I have a lot of good habits, but I also have some bad habits. I shouldnt have too much ice-cream and too many soft drinks. They are unhealthy. I will have them less, maybe only once a week.
2. 请你用英文写一篇短文介绍你上学一天的活动。

1 介绍你上午起床吃早餐去上学记上午的课程。 2 介绍你下午的课程及放学之后的活动。
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3 介绍你晚上的活动 4)谈谈你的感受
Now let me tell you something about my school day. I usually get up at 6:30 a.m. At 7:00 a.m., I eat breakfast. I go to school at about 7:30 a.m. I have four classes in the morning, and they are from 8:00 to 12:00. The classes in the afternoon are from 2:00 to 5:30. After that, I go home with my friends. After I get home, I do my homework first. In the evening, I either watch TV or take a walk with my parents. I go to bed at about 9:30 p.m. I'm very busy every day, but I'm very happy.

1 早上730上学起床穿衣服,然后刷牙。他在8点吃早餐然后去上学。他早上有四节课。

2 他中午在学校吃午饭。在下午他有两节课。
3 他下午430放学。然后他回家做作业。630他和家人一起吃晚饭。饭后他和他的爸爸去散步。他900上床睡觉。

Tony is a middle school student. He is very busy every day. He gets up and gets dressed at 7:30, then he brushes teeth. At eight, he has breakfast at home and then goes to school. He has four classes in the 4 23

morning. After school he has lunch at school at 12:00. He has two classes in the afternoon. He comes home at 4:30. He does his homework after getting home. At 6:30, he has dinner with his family. After that, he takes a walk with his father. He goes to bed at 900. What a busy day! But Tony feels very happy.
Unit 3 1. 假如你是王楠,你的美国笔友Tom在电子邮件中问你平时上学的方式及用时情况,请你给他回一封邮件告知相关情况。
1 从家到学校的路程。我住得离学校很远,有10公里。
2 上学的方式及用时情况。早上730离家。搭地铁的花费20分钟。骑自行车去上学花费40分钟。有时爸爸开车送去学校会花费15分钟。 3 总结。非常享受不同是上学方式。
Dear Tom, I live far from school. It's about 10 kilometers from my home to school. I leave home at 7:00 a.m. every day. I usually take the subway to school, and it takes 20 minutes. But sometimes I ride my bike to school, and the ride takes 40 minutes. Sometimes my father takes me to school by car, and it takes about 15 minutes. I really enjoy going to school in different ways. Yours, Wang Nan 5 23

2.你的朋友Bob一家人在不同的地方工作或上学,他们使用不同的交通工具去工作或上学。请您写一篇短文说说Bob一家人使用交通工具的情况。 内容包括:
(1作为学生的Bob上学使用的交通工具。 (2他爸爸上下班乘坐的交通工具及所花的时间。 (3他妈妈的工作及上下班所花的时间。
I have a good friend. His name is Bob. Its about 3 kilometers from his home to school. So he usually goes to school by bike. He takes the bus when it rains.
His father works in a hospital. The hospital is far from his home. His father drives his car to work. It takes him about 30 minutes to get there every day. His mother is a teacher. She teaches in a school. The school is near their homeso she usually goes to work on foot. It takes her about 10 minutes. 3. 请你写一封信告诉Mike 你的上学方式,内容包括: 1)你家离学校10公里。
3)先步行去地铁站,花费10分钟再搭地铁去学校。花费15分钟。 4)在地铁上听音乐或看书。
Dear Mike, Thank you for your last e-mail. Now I am writing to tell you about how I go to school. 6 23

My home is about ten kilometers from school. Its a little far. I usually go to school by subway. I get up at 7 oclock every morning. It takes me about half an hour to take a shower and have breakfast. Then I leave home for school at about 7:30. First, I walk to the subway station. It takes me about 15 minutes. I often listen to music on the subway. I get to school at about 8:00 in the morning. Unit 4 1.请你写一封信告诉Jim 你的家规。内容包括:
2)必须按时完成作业。周一到周五不能玩电脑游戏,因为这对我们不好。 3)我必须在早上7点起床,10点之前要上床睡觉。 4)我认为这些规则很严格但是很好。

Dear Jim, Thank you for your letter. You want to know about my family rules, let me tell you.
I cant go out with my friends on school nights. I have to get home before 900 p.m..And I must finish my homework on time. I cant play computer games from Monday to Friday. Because it is not good for us. I have to get up at six oclock. I have to go to bed before ten oclock. I think the rules are strict but good. We should follow them. 2. 假如你是Anna,请你给Dr. Know 写一封信告诉他你必须遵守的家规,校规及 7 23

Dear Dr. Know, I have many rules to follow at school. FirstI must arrive at school before 7:50 every morning. SecondI have to wear the school uniform every day. I can't listen to music in the classroom. Third, I can't talk to my classmates in class, either. I also have many rules to follow at home. First, I must do my homework first after school. Second, I can't watch TV or play with my friends on school nights. I'm unhappy about so many rules. What can I do? Yours, Anna 3.假设你叫赵凯,请你用英语写一篇短文向大家介绍一下你们学校图书馆的一些规章制度,并谈一谈你的看法。 内容包括: (1自我介绍。
(2介绍学校图书馆的一些规章制度(如:必须携带自己的学生证;在图书馆里 8 23

必须保持安静;不能在图书馆里吃东西等等)(三条以上)。 (3谈谈你对这些规章制度的看法。
Hellomy name is Zhao Kai. I am 14 years old. I study in Class 6, Grade 7. Let me tell you some library rules at my school. Firstwe have to take our school ID cards with us. Second, we have to keep quiet in the library. Thirdwe cant eat food in it. Fourthwe can borrow only three books at a time. Last, we must return the books on timeand keep the books clean and tidy. I think the rules are good, and we must follow them. Unit 5 1. 假设你是Frank,你养了一只名叫Bobo的宠物狗。请你写一篇短文介绍Bobo。内容包括: (1简单介绍Bobo的外形特征。 (2Bobo喜欢做的事情(至少两点 (3表达你对Bobo的喜爱。
Hellomy name is Frank.I have a pet dog. Its name is Bobo. Bobo is two years old now. Its very cute. It is all white with two round black eyes. It is really fat. Bobo is very friendly. It likes to take my shoes to me when I get back home. Bobo likes to walk with me, too. Do you know what it likes to eat Ice-cream Isnt that interestingBobo brings me much fun. I love it very much. 2. 请介绍你最喜欢的动物-考拉。内容包括:
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1)产地及居住地 2)年龄、外貌及性情 3)习性
Lele is the name of a koala. It is from Australia. Now it lives in Chimelong Zoo. It's four years old. It's grey and kind of fat. It looks very cute, but it's very lazy. Leaves are its favorite food. It sleeps for about twenty hours every day. I like koalas very much. They're our friends, so we should protect them. 3.请以“My favorite animal 为题写一篇文章介绍你最喜欢的动物。 内容包括:
1)名字。产地及居住地 2)年龄、外貌及性情 3)喜欢的理由
My favorite animal is a panda in Beijing Zoo. I call her Beibei. Isnt she cute? She is from China and she is five years old. She likes to eat and sleep a lot. I like Beibei because she is very friendly and cute. She is not shy at all! Lots of people go to see her every day because she is so beautiful.
Unit 6 1.假设你是Paul,今天是星期天,现在是下午五点半,你一家人都在家。请你根 10 23

据内容提示,写一封信给你的朋友Jack,描述一下你及你家人的活动情况。 内容包括:
(2描述他们正在做的事情(如:喝茶、看报纸、做汤、洗衣服、玩电脑游戏等) (3表达你对家人的爱。
Dear Jack, Wish you everything goes well.There are six people in my family. They are my grandparents, my parents, my brother and me. Let me tell you what my family are doing. My grandfather is drinking tea. He likes tea very much. And my grandmother is reading a newspaper. My parents are making soup for us. My brother is cleaning his room. And Im writing to you. I love my family very much. What about yours? Hope to hear from you soon. 2.请介绍你的家人在周日吃完早餐后的活动照。内容包括:
1)整体描述照片:这里有四张我的家人照片。周日我们全家人都在家里。 2)逐个描述人物活动:我正在房间听音乐。我的妈妈在洗餐具。我的爸爸在使用电脑。我的爷爷奶奶在客厅看报纸。 3)总结:我们都很开心。
Hello, everyone! Here are four photos of my family. All my family are at home on Sunday. Look! I am listening to music in my room. What are my parents doing? My mother is washing the dishes, and my father is using the computer. How about my grandparents? Oh, they are reading a 11 23

newspaper in the living room. We are all enjoying ourselves. 3.假如你是刘佳,现在是星期六上午十点钟,请根据图片给你的朋友Emma 复信息告诉她你的家人正在做什么。 1我妈妈不在家,她正在超市购物。
Im sorry to know you broke your leg and I hope youll get well soon. Its 10:00 a.m. on Saturday. My mom isnt at home. She is shopping in the supermarket. My grandma, my dad and my brother are on the sofa. My grandma is drinking tea, my dad is making coffee, and my brother is playing with a ball. My cousin is reading a picture book. It looks interesting. Im doing my homework. And my dog Usel is sleeping. Unit 7

1. 你所在的城市现在天气状况如何?假设你是Lucas,请你根据下面的内容提示写一封电子邮件给Jimmy。内容包括: (1你所在城市现在的天气状况。
(2你和你的家人正在做的事情(至少两点)。 (3你喜欢什么样的天气?为什么? Dear Jimmy,
How is everything going? It is sunny but cool here. I am enjoying a movie. My dad is reading newspapers. My mother is cooking in the 12 23

kitchen. We are having a good time staying at home for the weekend. My favorite weather is windy days because I like walking in the wind. It is very comfortable. Hope you have a good timetoo. 2. 假如你在上海度假,请给你的朋友写一封信告诉他你的假期。内容包括: 1)介绍你在哪里度假。 2)介绍天气及你正在做的事情 3)介绍度假地的风景 4)评价你的假期。
Dear Justin, How's it going? Now I'm in Shanghai. I'm having a great time here these days. It's summer now, and it's hot and rainy here. Many places here are beautiful, like the Oriental Pearl Tower, Yu Garden, and the Bund. My friends and I are visiting these places these days. The people here are friendly, and the food is also delicious. It's evening right now, and we're taking a walk on the Bund. It's really relaxing, isn't it? Yours, Zhang Hua 3.假如五一假期期间你正在度假,请写一张明信片给你朋友介绍你的假期。内容包括: 1你在哪里度假?
2天气如何?你正在做什么?你的家人或朋友正在做什么? 3你的假期过得怎样?
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Dear John, Hows it going? Are you still busy with school or are you on vacation now? Im visiting my cousins in Sydney and having a wonderful time here. Australia is a beautiful country and right now the weather is warm and sunny. There are many things to do here. Right now Im swimming with my family at the beach. We are having fun here. Hope to see you soon after vacation. Ann Unit 8
1. 假设你是玲玲,现在正站在天安门广场上。你想给你的好朋友Betty写一张明信片,告诉她你所见到的一切。 内容包括:
(2你看到人们在天安门广场上所做的事情(至少两点)。 (3人们的感受。 Dear Betty,
Greeting from Beijing. I am writing to tell you something about my city,Beijing. At this moment, I am standing in the center of Tiananmen Square 14 23

and writing a postcard to you.There are many people here.They are from different cities.Some are playing with their children. Some are talking with each other.Some are taking photos here.All the people here are having a good time. 2.假设你是Tony, 请写一封信告诉Jim你的学校的位置及学校附近的社区。内容如下:
1)你的学校所在的街道。 2)你学校里面的建筑物。 3)你学校周围的建筑物 4)邀请你朋友来参观你的学校。
Dear Jim, How is it going? Im writing to tell you something about my school. My school is on Renmin Road. There are three teaching buildings in the middle of it. I have classes there. On the left of the teaching building is the library. On the left of the teaching building is the library. There are two playgrounds in my school. One is in the north and the other one is on the south. I often play basketball there after school. If you walk out of my school, you can see a bank in front of it and a hotel across from it. There is a post office near it and the police station is behind my school. You are welcome to visit my school and I will show you around it.

3.请写一篇英语短文介绍你所在的街区,、街区中你最喜欢的地方、喜欢的原因 15 23

以及你家到那里的路线。内容包括: 1)介绍街区概况
I live in a quiet neighborhood. There is a store, a post office, a police station, a restaurant and a park near my home. My favorite place in the neighborhood is the park. There are many trees in the park and the air there is clean, so I really enjoy taking a walk there. Its easy for me to get there. I usually walk there. I turn left after walking out of my house, and then go straight along New Road until I see the park. It is on the left of New Road. Across from it is a restaurant.
Unit 9 1. 请介绍你最好的朋友及你喜欢他、她的原因。内容包括: 1)姓名、年龄、外貌、穿着、性格及喜好。 2)喜欢他、她的原因。
My Best Friend My best friend is Tom Brown. He is 14. He is of medium height and he is a little thin. He has curly hair and he wears a pair of glasses.He usually wears T-shirts in Summer and sweaters in winter.He is smart and friendly to people. We often play basketball together after school.He is good at writing stories. I like him very much because he often helps me with my English. He is a good boy. We are good friends and we often study 16 23

together. We share our happiness and sorrow together. 2.学校英语报Teens本周的话题是“介绍我的新朋友”你准备向报纸投稿介绍你认识的新朋友Kate。内容包括:
(1你的新朋友的个人情况(姓名、年龄、班级)。 (2你的新朋友的外貌特征(至少两点)。 (3你的新朋友的爱好和梦想。
I made a new friend last week.Her name is Kate. She is from London. She is twelve years old. We are in the same class at school. She is of medium height and a little fat. Her hair is short and blonde. She has a long face small eyes and a big mouth. She always wears glasses. Kate likes singing and reading books. Her favorite singer is Adele. She wants to be a singer like Adele. 3. 在我们的身边有很多对我们来说重要的人,请你写一篇文章介绍你身边最重要的人。内容包括: 1)外貌 2)职业 3)爱好
My Father In my life, there are many important people around me. One of them is my father. He has two small eyes and short hair. He is a taxi driver and works hard every day. He likes playing chess. My father is good at playing 17 23

chess and he often teach me to play it on the weekend. I think my father is important because he is kind and always ready to help others. Sometimes he does not ask some old people for money after driving them. He is so great and I love him.
Unit 10 1. 周末你和家人想去餐馆吃饭?请你以Alice为名,写一封电子邮件给Mary, 定你喜欢的周六晚餐。 内容包括:
(1预订你喜爱的食品(大小、份数、名称)。 (2你喜爱那种食品的原因(至少两点)。 (3某位家人要点什么食品?为什么? Dear Mary,
Would you please take my order? My family would like to enjoy Saturday dinner in your restaurant. I would like some fruit salad. A large plate of strawberry and banana salad is OK. I think fruit salad is delicious, so I like it best. I am also interested in making fruit salad. Its easy. My mother likes fruit salad, too. Her favorite fruits are apples and oranges, because she thinks they are healthy. She would like to eat a small plate of apple and orange salad. Thank you! Yours, 18 23

Alice 2.假如你是Cindy, 你是一个拥有健康的饮食习惯的女孩。请介绍一下你的饮食习惯,内容包括:
1)你的健康的饮食习惯(至少写两点) 2)健康的饮食习惯有哪些好处。 3)呼吁人们养成健康的饮食习惯。

My name is Cindy.I am a healthy girl with some healthy eating habits. First, I eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruit and never eat junk food. Second, I always have the three meals at the right time. I think that keeping healthy eating habits is very important.Healthy eating habits can bring health to us. And they makes us strong and fit. Also, they are good for our study, because a healthy body can help us learn things well. We all should have some healthy eating habits for a good future. Lets eat healthily and live a happy life. 3. 假设你叔叔在美国开了一家餐馆,请你帮他写一则广告,以便招揽外宾来就餐。 广告内容: 1)介绍餐馆特色。 2)介绍优惠活动 3)广告结束语

Do you like dumplings or stir-fried dishes? We have different kinds of 19 23

dumplings, like beef dumplings, mutton dumplings and vegetable dumplings. We also have many stir-fried dishes, like Kung Pao Chicken and Mapo Topu. Would you like to have a bowl of beef dumplings and one Kung Pao Chicken? Now we sell them at a very good prices. You can get them for only 10 dollars. All of the food in our restaurant is very delicious. Come and have a good meal!
Unit 11 1.上周日天气晴朗,你和你们班同学一起参观了天安门广场、故宫和长城。你们拍照留念,玩得很开心。请根据以上提示写一篇短文介绍一下你们上周日的活动.容包括:
2)参观过程中所做的事情(至少两点)。 3)参观后的感受。
Last Sunday, I went to Beijing with my classmates. The weather was great and we took a train there. We visited many places in Beijing. First, we visited Tiananmen Square and the Palace Museum. We took many photos. Then we went to the Great Wall. There were many people. At last, we ate in a restaurant. The food was delicious, and the people were friendly. We had great fun in Beijing. 2. 假如你昨天跟家人去参观了历史博物馆,请写一篇文章介绍一下你们的活动。 20 23

2)参观过程中所做的事情(至少两点)。 3)参观后的感受。
I had a wonderful trip yesterday. My parents and I went to the history museum. It took us about 10 minutes to get to the museum bu taxi. In the museum, we saw many old and interesting things. We also saw a Chinese history movie. We learned a lot about history stories. At last, I bought some special gifts for my friends. Although we are very tired, we had a good time.
3. 假设五一期间,你和你爸爸去上海旅游了。请你根据所给内容提示,以“The Trip to Shanghai”为题写一篇短文,简单介绍一下你们的行程。内容包括: 1)第一天,你们拜访了你爸爸的一些朋友。
2)第二天,你们去了上海迪士尼乐园(Shanghai Disneyland 3)第三天,你们去南京路购物,下午乘飞机回家。
The Trip to Shanghai During the May Day holidaymy dad and I took the plane to Shanghai. On the first day we visited some of my fathers old friends in the city. We had so much fun. The next daywe went to Shanghai Disneyland. I enjoyed myself very much though there were quite a lot of people there. On the morning of the third daywe did some shopping on Nanjing 21 23

Road. We bought a gift for my mom. After lunch, we took the plane back home. All in all, we had a wonderful trip.
Unit 12 1.假设你是劳拉(Laura,上周六你和朋友卡萝尔(Carol参观了蝴蝶馆。你们在那里看了蝴蝶,给蝴蝶拍照,听了有关蝴蝶的故事,了解有关蝴蝶的知识。请你以“A Trip to the Butterfly House”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍一下你们这次的活动。内容包括:
1)介绍本次活动的地点和参观人员。 2)你在参观期间做了哪些事情(至少两点 3)谈谈你对本次活动的感想。
A Trip to the Butterfly House Last Saturday, I visited the Butterfly House with my good friend Carol. We saw many different kinds of butterflies there. They came from different countries and they were all very beautiful. We took quite a lot of photos of them. The guide told us some stories about butterflies. They were very interesting and we liked them very much. Well, we learned a lot and had a good time in the Butterfly House. 2.请根据提示写一篇题为” My Busy Weekend”英语短文,介绍周末行程活动。
1)周末的具体行程活动. 2)我的感受
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My Busy Weekend I had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, I got up early. Then I made my bed and helped my mom make breakfast. After breakfast, I visited my grandparents with my parents. In the afternoon, I took a swimming lesson. In the evening, I had dinner with my parents in a restaurant. On Sunday morning, I helped my mom do the housework, and then I did my homework at home. After dinner, I took a walk with my parents along the river behind our house.
3. 请你根据下面的提示写一篇短文,描述上星期天发生的一件事。 1)上周日下午你去看电影;
2)你遇到一个在街上哭的小男孩,因为他找不到妈妈; 3)你把他带到警察局;
It was sunny last Sunday. I went to the cinema in the afternoon. On my way to the cinema, I found a boy crying, because he got lost and couldnt find his mother. I went up to him and asked what happened. He said that he was looking for his mother. Then I decided to take him to the police station. At the police station, his mother was right there. He was very excited to meet his mother. They thanked me and left happily. Although I was late for the film, I felt very happy.
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