

1 安迪想在周六举力一个聚会。他想请外教格林老师参加。请你替他写一封邀请,60词左右(开头和结尾不计入总词数
4.路线:从学校门口坐3路公交车到北京路下车,然后向前走大约1分钟,右拐进迎春街; 5.安迪将于周六晚5:40在迎春街的第一幢大楼前等格林老师。 Dear Mr Green
I will have a party this Saturday evening. I hope you will come to my party if you have time.
All my family look forward to seeing you at the party. Lots of love
Dear Mr Green. I will have a party this Saturday evening. I hope you will come to my party if you have time. It is from six o'clock to eight o'clock in my house. The people who are invited are my teachers and classmates. I’m sure you know all of them, so don't worry you will be alone. Anyway, if you come here, you can take the No. 3 bus in front of
our school gate and get off on Beijing Road, then walk straight on for about one minute, and turn right into Yingchun Street. I will wait for you in front of the first building in Yingchun Street at twenty to six. All my family look forward to seeing you at the party. Lots of love, Andy 2 Simon邀请Neil到他家参加他的生日聚会。请根据提示写一篇70词左右的短文。 提示:
从学校大门出来,乘地铁,从B出口出来,然后朝右转,一直走并过天桥。然后沿着第五街直走,经过红楼,当你来到红绿灯处时,过马路。继续一直走到路的尽头,你会看到一棵树,Simon家就在它的后面。 _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Here is the route to Simon’s homeWalk out of the school gate Take the underground and get out at Exit B and turn rightWalk straight on and you’ll see a bridge .Then cross the bridgeWalk along Fifth StreetYou’ll pass the Red BuildingCross the road when you are at the traffic lightsWalk on until you get to the end of the roadYou will then see a treeSimon’s home is behind it
3 本周末在博物馆将有个老照片展,Andy想邀请Jim和他一起去。请根据下面的提示,替AndyJim写一个70词左右的QQ留言。 提示: 1.开始时间:上午九点

2.交通:5路公共汽车 3.午餐:Jianghuai Restaurant 4.其他:看到留言(message后回复(reply ; 8 : 30在校门口集合。
Dear Jim,
Shall we go to the museum this Saturday?
I am sure we will have a good time together. Dear Jim, Shall we go to the museum this Saturday? There will be a show of old photos this Saturday.
The photos are from the 1950s. It must be great to watch them. The show starts at 9:00 a, m. I plan to go there by bike. And after visiting the museum, we can have lunch at Jianghuai Restaurant. It has the best Huaiyang food in the city. Please reply when you see the message. And we will meet at our school gate at 8:30.
I am sure we will have a good time together.
4 王平要给他的笔友李峰写一封信,介绍他的家乡情况,并邀请对方到他的家乡来玩。请你根据表格中的信息帮他完成这封信。词数70左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
家乡地点 总体情况

靠近长江(the Yangtze River的一座城市 1城市干净、美丽,到处是鲜花和绿树;
个人住所 附近设施 闲暇活动 个人感受

Dear Li Feng
Im Wang PingIm writing to invite you to visit my hometown. Welcome to my hometownIm looking forward to meeting you soon
Wang Ping Dear Li Feng
Im Wang PingIm writing to invite you to visit my hometown
I live in a city near the Yangtze RiverIts a clean and beautiful cityTherere colourful flowers and green trees everywherePeople here are friendly to each other
I live in a new flat in the city centreThere is a parka shopping mall and some restaurants nearbyWhen Im freeI often go for a walk in the parkgo shopping in the shopping mall and enjoy nice food in the restaurants It’s really a good place to live and 1 feel happy to live here
Welcome to my hometownIm looking forward to meeting you soon

4 市中心的一所新公寓
一个公园、一个购物中心和几家餐馆 散步、购物、享受美食 ……(请发挥至少一至两点

Wang Ping
5 假如你是一个来自英国的交换留学生Jack,你的朋友Tom寄来明信片问候你。他想了解你在阳光镇的生活情况,请根据以下要点给他发一个e-mail

Sunshine Town

Things to do in 1. go shopping 2. eat Chinese food 3.enjoy Beijing
the town

Dear Tom, Thank you for sending me the postcard. I’m very happy to tell you my life in Sunshine Town.

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5 1. new, modern, quiet 2.fresh air 3. a park 4. a Opera 4.row a boat
feelings (感受

__________________ Hope to see you soon. With love from Jack Dear Tom,
Thank you for sending me the postcard. Im very happy to tell you my life in Sunshine Town. Sunshine Town is a new modern town. It is very quiet. There is not much pollution and the air is fresh. There is a park and a lake in it. We can row a boat on the lake. There are many things to do in the town. We can go shopping, eat Chinese food. The food is delicious. We also enjoy Beijing Opera in the local theatre. The life here is colourful and we are very happy. Hope to see you soon. With love form


