

Unit 10
Ethics Part I
Business Vocabulary
1 I admire our chairman. He’s a man of his word and is greatly respected for his ____B________.
A honesty B integrity C wisdom D cleverness
2 “If we face a recession we should not _____C_____ employees. The company should sacrifice a profit.”
A lay down B lay up C lay off D lay out
3 Back in 1995, he A the lies we’d all been told for decades about cigarettes. A exposed B found C discovered D claimed
4 Nonetheless, Wigand chose to go public,
and recently told Wallace what he went through back then, when instead of airing his interview, CBS had B him. A broken B dumped C thrown D dipped
5 During the last three years, his General Manager Carl Thomson, has turned Livewire ______C________ from being a loss-making company into a profitable organization.. A up B down C round D out

6 Moreover, the bank guarantees payment only on condition that the beneficiary’s documents are in line ___D________ the L/C stipulations. A about B of C at D with
Checks should be run ____A_______ the
credit standing of the opening bank. A on B of C at D for
8 Checks are run to ensure that the expiry date, date and place for presentation of documents and the latest date for shipment are all ____D_______.
A accepted B accepting C to accept D acceptable
9 In the L/C transactions, amendment _____C______ the L/C in the wake of the checks is not unusual. A at B on C to D in
10 Letters concerning the L/C amendment are usually composed ______B________ three parts. A at B of C about
D for

11 We hereby authorize you to ____C_______ on us at 60 days after sight to the extent of USD20,000.00. A open B establish C draw D build
12 Your drafts must be ______B________ by the following documents. A companied B accompanied C followed D processed
13 We regret to say that we have found _____A_________ discrepancies. A a number of B a lot C a sum of D an amount of
14 The amount both in figures and in words should _______D_______ be US$200,000 and Say US Dollars Two Hundred Thousand Only. A respected B respecting

C respectedly D respectively
15 Please adjust the L/C immediately ____D_______ we can make arrangements to ship the goods in good time. A so as B so C such as D so that
16 Please make ___C_________ as soon as possible so as to enable us to arrange shipment of the goods. A modifications B changes C amendments D varieties
17 Check on L/C is quite important __D_________ it signifies a lot in carrying out our foreign trade policy, A for that B of that C at that D in that
18 Such clauses deviate ____D_____ the
L/C principle “payment against documents”.
A at B for C on D from
19 It is _____B______ vital importance to ensure that the L/C stipulations are in exact accordance with the clauses of the sales contract A about B of C at D on
20 Upon receipt of the covering L/C, the beneficiary should concentrate his checks ______D______ the following points. A for B at C to D on
Part II Phrase Translation 1 公务员
civil servant 2 瑕疵产品
a defective product
3 商业道德
business ethics 4 宗旨说明
a mission statement 5 守法商人 a law-abiding businessman 6 行贿基金 a slush fund 7 内幕交易 insider trading 8 告密者
a whistleblower 9 产业情报刺探 industrial espionage 10 保密协议 confidentiality agreement 11 道德规范 a code of ethics 12 现金支付 cash payments 13 电器 electrical appliances 14 个人助理
personal assistant 15 不职业行为 unprofessional behavior 16 高级经理 a senior manager 17 员工餐厅 staff canteen 18 个人风险
personal risk 19 不道德行为 unethical behavior 20 个人选择personal options Part III Sentence Translation 1. Our company does nothing illegal. We are very law-abiding.

我们公司不做不合法的事。我们非常遵纪守法。 2. Weve got a slush fund which is used in countries where it is difficult to do business without offering bribes. 我们设置了一个在不贿赂就做不成生意的国家使用的行贿基金。 3. I admire our chairman. Hes a man of his word and is greatly respected for his integrity. 我尊敬我们的主席。他是一个信守承诺的人并且因为为人正直而广受尊敬。 4. You have a shortlist of people for the post of Sales Manager. 你有一份销售部经理职位的入围候选人名单。 5. Jeffrey Wigand, the highest-ranking executive in the history of the tobacco industry, blew the whistle on big tobacco. 烟草行业历史上最高级别的执行官杰弗利威肯德揭发了巨大烟草业。

6. Since then, hes literally changed the air we breathe. 自从那以后,他事实上改变了我们所呼吸的空气。 7. I think it hurt 60 Minutes. I think it hurt probably you personally, because you were identified with it, it may have tainted your reputation. 我想这伤害到了《60 分钟》。我想这可能也伤害到了你个人。由于你被认为和这件事有关,它可能已经损害了你的声誉 8. But passion has its price. Wigand had earned $300,000 a year working for tobacco. Now, he makes $60,000 working against it. 但这种激情是要付出代价的。威肯德在烟草公司任职时年薪30万美金。现在他赚6美金去抵制烟草公司。 9. If you express these things in writing, then you can be held accountable for them. 如果你将这些东西写下来,那么你就更可能
10. Mr Thompson is a racist and discriminates against coloured people. He has hatred for black staff such as me. 汤姆逊先生是一个种族主义者,并且歧视有色人种。他憎恨像我这样的黑人员工。

Part IV Sentence Translation 1 双方同意,该合同在未经双方书面签署和会签之前是无效的。
It is agreed by both parties that this contract will be invalid until it is signed and countersigned in written form by both parties.
2 兹附上第175号售货确认书一式两份,请签署并退回一份供我方存档。
We are enclosing our Sales Confirmation No 175 in duplicate. Please sign and return one copy for our file.

3. 他们一直在改进包装方法以适应市场的发展。
They are modifying the packing method to adapt to the development of the market.

4. 我们会按时交货,但你们的信用证必须在装船前30天开到。
We promise you that the delivery will be on time. But your L/C must be issued 30 days before shipping. 5. 们建议现在支付部分货款2,000美元,其余的款项将在831日前支付。
We suggest that you pay part of the payment for goods, $2000, now. The remaining will be paid before 31st ,Aug.
Part V Business Interpretation 首先请允许我代表我团所有成员感谢古德曼先生出席今天的签字仪式,您的光临使我
First, please allow me, on behalf of all the members in our delegation, to show our gratitude to Mr. Goodman for his attendance of todays signing ceremony. It is great honor for us to have you here.
After several rounds of negotiation, we finally reached an agreement, which inspired us greatly. The things I have seen during the short period of time after I arrived here, and the talk I have attended made me clearly aware that there is a bright future for the cooperation between us.


We will further explore the ways to expand and deepen the trade cooperation between us so as to dramatically increase the trade volume .
Tomorrow We will leave London and get back to ShangHai. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you again for your support and cooperation.

Part VI Business Writing 1 对方公司名称和地址:Tiddie Somer, Inc. 900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C., Canada Fred Johns
Purchase Manager 2 写信日期:2008518
3 确认收到对方512日的来函,询购你
4 谨告知,你方的自行车是为各个年龄层次的群体制作的,因此,提供对方所要的货肯定没有问题。
5 对方要求的数量折扣可以满足,对于金额50,000美元以上的订单我们可以给5%的折扣。
6 此外,你方一直是以即期信用证付款做生意的。但是,一旦与对方公司建立起牢固的贸易关系,对于付款条件你方愿意重新考虑。
7 兹附你方的夏季商品目录和报有CIF哥华价格的价格单;希望双方能在所报的条件上达成协议。
8 盼望很快得到您的回音。
9 写信人为Huang Tao
Sales Manager 公司名称和地址:Dalian Trading Co. Ltd. 689 Huayuan Road, Dalian 116000Liaoning, China

Huang Tao
Sales Manager
Dalian Trading Co. Ltd. 689 Huayuan Road, Dalian 116000Liaoning, China 1分) 18 May 2008 1分)

Mr. Fred Johns Purchase Manager Tiddie Somer, Inc. 900 Richards Street, Vancouver, B.C. Canada 1分)

Dear Mr Johns 1分)
Thank you for your letter of May 12, inquiring for our Forever Brand Bicycles.1.5分)

For your information, there would be no trouble in supplying you from our wide selection of bicycles which we make for all age groups.2分) We can offer you the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5% off net prices for orders of over $50,000..2分)
In addition, we always deal on payment by sight L/C. 2分)However, we would be prepared to review this once we have established firm trading relations with you.2分)

We are now enclosing our summer catalogue and price list quoting CIF Vancouver, and do hope we can reach an agreement on the terms quoted. 3分)

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. 1.5分)

Sincerely yours 1分)

Huang Tao Sales Manager 1分)


