
发布时间:2019-05-06 10:54:22



AIDS is the threat of entire society

What is AIDS?

AIDS is a serious infectious disease that can cause people to death. The AIDS virus which is also call human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) invades the human body then destructs body's immune function. It can make people suffer from various incurable infections and tumors. The full name of AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. From its name we can know three specific definition, Acquired means the cause is acquired rather than innate; Immune Deficiency means in the aspects of pathogenesis, it is mainly caused by the body's immune system and lead to reduce the damage or loss of the protective function of the immune system; Syndrome means In the clinical symptoms, complex symptoms due to various system immunodeficiency caused by infection and tumor. The origin of AIDS is Africa and mainly comes from developing country. Transmission and pathogenesis of AIDS

The AIDS virus mainly exists in the various body fluids of the AIDS virus infection and has strong infectious. The main route of infection of the AIDS virus are sexual transmission, blood transmission and mother to child transmission. From HIV infection to develop into AIDS patients has four stage: The first phase is acute stage, The second stage is the asymptomatic period, which is called the incubation period, too. The third stage is the pre AIDS. The fourth period is full period of AIDS or AIDS in the late, which is the most complex.

The treatment and prevention of AIDS

AIDS is a serious infectious disease with high fatality rate, there is still no cure for drugs and methods, but can be prevented. Drug therapy can be divided into three categories: Anti HIV drugs, immunomodulators and anti infective Drugs. AIDS is a threat to every person and every family, the prevention of AIDS is the responsibility of the whole society. Many daily behaviors cannot infect AIDS virus. To comply with sexual morality is the fundamental measures for the prevention of the sexual transmission of AIDS. Sharing syringes, drug taking is a major channel for the spread of AIDS, therefore, we should refuse drugs and cherish life.



Who Are Teachers Pets, Boys or Girls?


Nowadays, a growing number of people tend to think about a question: who do teachers like more?

Reading this table, we can get some information and analyse the result via the figures. Obviously, teachers favor girls over boys in primary school. As far as I concerned, the most indispensable reason is that girls are quiet, smart and well-behaved during that age. While in junior middle school, hat might seem to be no difference between boys and girls. In a word, there is no prejudice and gender discrimination at that time. Nevertheless things are getting change when coming to senior high school. The most

reasonable explanation is that girls are superior to boys in math and physics up to the age of ten, fall behind from then on. under that circumstance, teachers is shown to call on male in class far more than female students. While in college, teachers seem to have no preference in student because of the less attention and unawareness


It is obviously that the answer of such question changes frequently as students growing up and here is my analyze according to the chart.

First of all, girls, in my opinion, are much more welcomed in primary school. Over two-thirds of students believe that female students are teacher's pet in primary school. Second,

however, conclusion in senior middle school is quite different because half of students hold the view that it was boys that are teacher's pet. Thirdly, the circumstance in junior middle school as well as In college is between two extremes which means neither boys nor girls have advantage to be pets of teachers.

What conclusion can I draw is that the chart indicates us girls are more welcomed by teacher at low grades because they are not only quite gentle and quiet but also boys are naughty at the same time. As time goes by, though, such difference gradually disappear which lead to

such result. Last but not least, I hold the view that there is no sex, including boys and girls, can hold teachers' love forever


Rencently, a survey on"who are teachers' pets"has developed among students . According to the chart, we can easily find that the majority of pupil's answers are girls, the junior students said that all of them were favored, a lot of middle school students replied: "girls! ", while college students thought neither of them is teachers' pet.

So, why did the phenomenon occurred? I suppose the following reasons can account for it. In primary school, girls are generally obedient, while boys may be more naughty. Girls are good at reading and writing, but boys show nothing superior . Of course , teachers think more of girls. In junior school , boys perform as well as girls , so the teacher will think all of them are great. When go to the senior school , boys become more initiative and are more interested in mathematics, which can ignite teachers' enthusiasm of teaching. On the university , boys and girls have to rely on their own efforts to learn more, thus, the teachers can pay less attention. As far as I'm concerned, teachers shouldn't hold different attitudes to students'gender . Both girls and boys should be treated equally to have a better prospect.


Reading this chart, we can discover that most of the primary school students think girls are teachers' pets. In contrast, most of the high school students think boys are teachers' pets. While in junior middle schools and in colleges, the numbers of students who think boys or girls are teacher's pets are almost equally, more that they think it depends on teachers' mind. For this, its reasons are obviously. First, primary school teachers have to pay more attention to girls. In that not only girls are timid, but also boys may bully them. Second, high school teachers believe boys have more advantage to pay off and more likely to be rolled in

world-famous universities than girls meeting the challenge of college entrance examinations. Third, in junior middle schools and in colleges, teachers feel boys and girls have similar

capabilities, alternatives and so on. Moreover, university teachers know seldom students, not to mention who are their pets.

Nowadays, gender is not crucial. It is urgent to persuade teachers to care about gender in a reasonable way, especially elementary school teachers and high school teachers.






















enterogastric disease,肠胃病,但是它不认识,换成intestinal tract disease吧,它又说要the ??当然,我觉得批改网要求加上介词的情况比现实中美国英语要多。也许它是习惯了莎士比亚时代的那个the的富含量??哈,开个玩笑。总之,红色错误是一定要改的,一般一个红色错误都有0.5-1.5分的飞跃。而黄色警告,如果你要求高分,注意——黄色警告一定要(本文来自:WWw.bDFQy.com 帆文摘:英语作文自动批改网)3个以下!否则你的分数就会比期望至少低1-5分·然后就有2种情况了,第一——我改后,红色错误没了,黄色警告3个左右了,为什么分数还是不好,这时你还是要改。之前是改正,现在是改进!你英语基础不好,状语从句,非限,主词从句,形式主语,定语从句是使用得最多的加分句子,注意我指的是在批改网上。我举个例子,你想说什么东西很重要: Apparentlyit goes without saying that XXX that(这个东西,比如你说iphone,那你加解释,was invented by Jobs/was produced by Apple.Inc等等,Jobs你又可以加who??或者whose reputation and creativity ??等等)play/plays an important role in XXXXwhichXXXXX.这只是一个很通俗的例子,只需要一点点的语法知识,一个句子串起来怎么也会有25-50个词吧,句子长度和连接词是电子批改的算法观察点之一!那么这又有两个问题了,我英语基础太差,还是不会怎么办!首先,基础的从句你必须会,不然回家修炼去吧,别来上学。好句子英语中不下十万计,你背个20个句式又有何难?!这里推荐新东方的王江涛的写作书籍。笔者小学语文写作文看的是中考满分作文,中考看的是高考满分作文。高考就是写作名家的著述和中文学教授(如北京大学朱良志先生)的书。你现在看看考研作文,TOEFLTOEICGRE作文有什么不好。红岩的《十天搞定托福作文》,王江涛的考研作文,杨鹏的《GRE长难句》很多经典句子,背十句你总行的吧。好句型有那么几个,你的“句子“得分就能接近满分而要是是英语本来写作很好,但是写的作文批改网不喜欢,没给92以上,怎么办:以下是关键,那些作文越改分越少怎么办,作文改的次数超过20次还是没有92.94以上怎么办,说实话,每篇作文都有一个限,要是你的作文题是“My favourite alarmclock”你就很难用很多常见的ismition的大词吧,但是“Aging China”就很好写。拿90稀松平常。94努努力就行。






句型,一般来说,批改网喜欢的是四六级句型,如果你想要找到这类句子,其实是“被批改网认为的四六级句型“的话,只有在你平时的写作中去发掘,笔者只知道几个,就不在这儿献丑了。其实我更多是喜欢用非限和主从及形式主语。其实句型也包括短语,比如take into

account(我不觉得它很牛的样子)heart and soulplay an role in等等。


篇章结构:这是很难琢磨的一项,总体来说包括两项,第一项:线索逻辑,一般就是顺序线索的关键词,最容易识别的便是FSFfirstlySecondlyFinally),有时候笔者会发出“好文章和高分数不能兼得”的感叹,因为篇章结构是一个结构,一个范式,也是一个枷锁,人文社论容易写,但是记物述事不好写,要是为了拿分,有一套结构,一堆连词衔接必不可少,但是这样,文章的风味全无。然后一些常见衔接词,这个很多,一百度就知道,下载一个,或者你就常用你顺手的那10个左右。注意,比如Generally speaking算衔接词吗?当然算,副词都会做为连接句子的成分照样能加分。


内容相关:请注意,这个与文长有着直接的关系,尽管你写500字也不一定就拿了高分,但是,你要是很正常的在写内容相关的作文,(注意:批改网中内容与标是完全无关的,标题完全不影响正文分数),要是写短了,内容相关也高不起来,这应该也是与具体算法有关,特殊情况不考虑在内,一般来说,你要是为了分数,同学,一篇作文少说你也要写改2个小时,这样上92左右不是问题。120字的四级作文你写200-350是正常水平,要是你问考试怎么办——把那些很“不精彩“的句子丢掉,只发挥自己的”优势句型词汇连接型"即可!这里又要提下与词汇有关的,注意,你所选用的词汇越相关主题即可,怎么选择,你在以前看相关的作文题的中文文字时一般有读到什么样的词,英语也就是那些词,你写“Optimistic Attitude depends on XXX"这类作文题时就想下以前读过的中文表达有哪些句型(当然你养成了英语思维另当别论),甚至你可以想象以前的思想品德课本??不一而足

