高中英语词汇 Module 1 Europe 短语翻译

发布时间:2012-09-14 18:12:18

Module 1 Europe 短语翻译:

1. 作预测 make predictions

2. 关心;照顾 care for

3. 地球的自然资源 earth’s natural resources

4. 用完;耗尽 run out

5. 更多依赖可替代能源 rely more on alternative energy

6. 思考未来城市生活 think about the future of urban life

7. 管理一个五万人的城市 run a city of 50,000 people

8. 消除垃圾问题 to get rid of garbage problem

9. 把废物装进巨大的宇宙飞船 load huge spaceships with waste materials

10. 逮捕罪犯 arrest criminals

11. 语音指令 voice commands

12. 所有的娱乐形式 all forms of recreation

13. 免费提供 provide free of charge

14. 从数千里以外实施手术 carry out operations from thousands of miles away

15. 普通市民、年长的市民和残疾人士 ordinary citizens, senior citizens and people with disabilities


1. 越来越多的人已经意识到爱护动物是很重要的,因为地球上的很多动物都处于濒危状态。(have realized that… as…, be endangered )

More and more people have realized that the care for the animals has become very important as many animals on the earth have been endangered.

2. 一旦地球的资源枯竭,我们将更多依赖其他能源,如太阳能和风能。(Once…, will …, rut out, rely on )

Once earth’s natural resources run out, we will rely more on alternative energy, such as solar and wind power.

3. 为了能找到替代能源,他花了十年时间做了大量的实验,终于成功了。

( To do…, …spend time doing sth. , do experiments )

To find out the alternative energy, he spent ten years doing lots of experiments and made it finally.

4. 2011深圳大运会即将来到,政府做了一个决定,就是对年长的市民和残疾人士免费提供观看开幕式的入场票。( Shenzhen Universiade, make a decision, opening ceremony)

2011 Shenzhen Universiade is coming and the government has made a decision that free admissions for the opening ceremony will be provided for senior citizens and people with disabilities tickets for the opening ceremony will be provided free of charge for…

5. 因为有许多关于未来大学生活的事情是未知的,他计划今年暑假进行一次大学游,以获得更多的了解。 (plan to do…, to get … )

As there are plenty of things about college life in the future which are not certain, he plans to have a college tour this summer vocation to get more information.

Module 2 Traffic Jam 短语翻译:

1. 交通工具 means of transport

2. 马上,一会儿 in no time

3. 索要收据 ask for a receipt

4. 公共交通 public transport

5. 在高峰时间 during the rush hour

6. 带有空调的公车 air-conditioned buses

7. 在郊区 in the suburbs

8. 紫禁城 the Forbidden City

9. /下双层巴士 get on / off a double-decker bus

10. 饱览这个快速改变的城市 have a good view of the rapidly changing city

11. 在昂贵的出租车和拥挤的公共交通之外提供了另一种选择 offer an alternative to expensive taxis and crowded public transport

12. 正在建设中 under construction

13. 单程 a one-way trip

14. 陷于交通堵塞 be / get stuck in a traffic jam

15. 进行一项调查 carry out a survey 句子翻译:

1. 在伦敦旅游的时候,双层巴士是很值得一试的,因为坐在上层你可以饱览这座城市。

Double-deckers are well worth trying when you are traveling in London, as you will have a good view of the city sitting upstairs.

2. (由于)一些地铁线在建造中,在深圳四处走动时你很容易就陷于交通堵塞。

With some underground lines under construction, you may easily get stuck in a traffic jam when getting around in Shenzhen.

3. 尝试三轮脚踏车是一个很好的主意,它给游客提供了一种印象深刻的方式去探索老北京的胡同。

It’s a good idea to try tricycles, which provide tourists with an impressive way to explore the narrow allies of old Beijing.

4. 游客不该错过世界之窗,它从上午九点开放至晚上十点半。

Tourists shouldn’t miss the Window of the World, which is open from 9:00 am to 10:30 pm.

5. 及时支付车辆进城费,否则你将面临八十英镑的罚款。

Pay the congestion charge in time, or you will face a fine of 80.

Module 3 Body Language and Non-verbal Communication


16. 无意识的身势语 unconscious body language

17. 保持警觉 be on guard

18. 不包括触摸他人 do not involve touching the other person

19. 他们不具有侵略性 they are not aggressive

20. 把右手放在左手上(拱手),并稍稍躬身 put the right hand over the left and bow slightly

21. 持有带威胁性的武器 hold/carry a threatening weapon

22. 双手合起 join one’s hands

23. 恭敬地鞠躬 bow in respect

24. 来击掌 give me five

25. “举手击掌”动作 high five

26. 泄露,暴露 give away

27. 一场现场表演 a live performance

28. (持续)长时间的鼓掌 prolonged clapping

29. 一半的成年男性人口 half (of) the adult male population


1. 一人举起手,手掌向外,五指展开。(hold up)

One person holds up his hand, palm outwards and five fingers spread.

2.史密斯夫妇诚意邀请您莅临爱女伊丽莎白史密斯与杰克奥巴马的婚礼。(Request the pleasure of sb.’s company)

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith request the pleasure of your company at the wedding of their daughter Elizabeth Smith to Mr. Jack Obama.


Muslims give a “salaam”, where they touch their heart, mouth and forehead.


In classical Athens, applause meant judgment judgement and taking part.

5.鼓掌是(鼓掌者)作为团体一份子,以及演员与观众平等的表现。(a sign of)

Applause was a sign of being part of the community, and of equality between actors and audience.

Module 4 Great Scientist 短语翻译:

1. 主要粮食 (a) staple food

2. 世界最大的水稻产地 the world’s largest producer of rice

3. 一位重要人士/领军人物 a leading figure

4. 开始作物育种的实验 begin experiments in crop breeding

5. 养活世人的关键 the key to feeding people

6. 生产水稻 produce rice

7. 被发表/出版 be published

8. 被召集 be brought in

9. 一种新的杂交水稻 a new hybrid rice

10. 被诊断为……(疾病) be diagnosed with

11. 谋生 earn one’s living

12. 开始执政/掌权 come to power

13. 获得物理学的诺贝尔奖 be awarded Nobel Prize for physics

14. 相对论 theory of relativity

15. 烟火表演 firework displays

16. 制造爆炸 make explosions

17. 被拴/捆到……上 be attached to

18. 团团浓烟 clouds of thick smoke

19. 为了军事目的被使用 be used for military purposes

20. 成直线方向 in a straight direction 句子翻译:

21. 50万平方公里原来的稻田现在被用来种植蔬菜和其他经济作物。 be converted to

500 thousand square kilometers of rice field were converted to growing vegetables and other cash crops.

22. 小时候, 他在许多学校读过书,得了个“问问题的学生”的绰号。( be given the nickname)

When he was little, he was educated in many schools and was given the nickname “ the student who asks questions”.

23. 由于袁隆平的发现,20世纪90年代中国的水稻产量增加了47.5%(as a result of)

As a result of Yuan Longping’s discoveries, Chinese rice production rose by 47.5 percent in the 1990’s.

24. 请在你的申请表上贴上一张近期照片。(attach… to

Attach a recent photograph of you to your application please.

25. 20世纪60年代初期,人口急剧增加, 从而新的杂交水稻的想法诞生了, 这种杂交水稻的产量远高于其他种类的水稻。( explode; yield)

The population exploded in the early 1960s and the idea of new hybrid rice was born, whose yield is much greater than the yield of other types of rice.

Module 5 A Trip Along the Three Gorges


30. 教师进修学院 a teacher training college

31. 休假四周 have four weeks off

32. 搭船顺流而下 take a boat downstream

33. 竹筏 bamboo rafts

34. 绕道而行 make a detour

35. 每条河流都流淌着传说。Every stream carried its legends.

36. 座座小山承载着过往。 Every hill was heavy with the past.

37. 建筑工地 the construction site

38. 来到甲板上 come on deck

39. 写有20英尺大的汉字的标志 a sign in 20-foot characters

40. 贴上有趣的邮票 stick on an interesting stamp

41. 在世界地图上插一个别针 stick a pin on the map of the world

42. 形容新西兰是令人惊叹的 describe New Zealand as wonderful

43. 敲游客的竹杠 rip tourists off

44. 从旅游中得到乐趣 get a kick out of travelling 句子翻译:

1. 20108月的一个美丽的午后,一位经验丰富的澳大利亚英语教师George Smith来到长江之滨的丰都。(同位语)

On a beautiful afternoon in August 2010, George Smith, an experienced Australian teacher of English, arrived in the town of Fengdu on the Yangtze River.

2. 据说深圳市民将有一周的大运会假期。(It is said that … ; be to do; have … off for … )

It is said that the citizens in Shenzhen are to have one week off for the 2011 Universiade.

3. 201151起室内公共场所禁止吸烟。(forbid)

Since May 1, 2011, people have been forbidden to smoke in indoor public places.

Since May 1, 2011, smoking in indoor public places are forbidden.

4. 我的家乡位于我国西北部的偏远的地区,景色多变。(be located in; a varied landscape)

My hometown is located in the remote areas in the northwest of the country, with a very varied landscape.

6. 我们花了三个小时乘船顺流而下,在太阳落山时到达了目的地。

We spent 3 hours taking a boat downstream, and arrived at the destination as the sun set.

高中英语词汇 Module 1 Europe 短语翻译
