最新-八年级英上册 Unit 1 Me and My Class字词句分课优化全解教案 冀教版 精品

发布时间:2019-03-24 12:07:09

Unit 1 Me and My Class


重点词汇be back回来;look like看上去像;married结婚的;either也;hate讨厌,憎恨;be made of……制成;a pair of一双,一付;name命名,取名


1. I was happy to see your e-mail. 我很高兴看到你的电子邮件。

2. It’s fun to get e-mail from China. 收到来自中国的电子邮件是件有趣的事。

3. I need a new photograph, but I don’t have one. 我需要一张新照片,可是我没有。

4. I want you to talk to your classmates. 我要你们跟你们的同学谈话。

5. I don’t like this pair any more. 我不再喜欢这双鞋子了。

6. Sweaters are made of wool. 毛衣是羊毛制成的。

7. Now he is ready to introduce someone to the class. 现在他准备把一个人介绍给(全班)同学们。


1. How do you do? 你好!

2. Glad / Nice to meet / see you! 很高兴见到你!

3. I wish I had a better photo. 但愿我有一张好点儿的照片。

4. What things do you like? 你喜欢什么东西?

5. What do you love to do? 你喜欢干什么?

6. What does Mrs. Liu hate to do? 刘老师讨厌干什么?






3.并列句(and, but, or, so)。



Lesson 1 Li Ming Is Back to School!

1. Today was my first day of school in China. 今天是我在中国上学的第一天。


It’s her first time to go to Beijing for a trip. 这是她第一次去北京旅行。



基变序 ,有规律,大家一起歌中记。





导读:(1) 基数词一、二、三、变序数词时要特殊记:one—first, two—second, three—third.

(2) 从四开始,基数词变序数词词尾普加th。但要注意eight—eight, nine—ninth, five—fifth, twelve—twelfth等这几个词的不规则变化。

(3) 十位整数的序数词的构成方法是:先将十位整数基数词的词尾ty中的y变为ie,再加th。如:forty—fortieth, fifth—fiftieth

(4) 基数词几十几、几百几变为序数词,仅将个位数变为序数词,十位数不变。如:thirty—one —thirty first, one hundred and sixty-eight—one hundred and sixty-eight

(5) 序数词的缩写形式是在阿拉伯数字后加上序数词的最后两个字母。如:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 等。


(1) 序数词主要用作主语,前面要加定冠词the。如:

Jenny lives in the fifteenth floor. 詹妮住在十五层。

(2) 序数词有时前面加不定冠词表示又一再一。如:

Shall I ask him a third time? 我还要问一次吗? (我已经问了他两次)

(3) 表示编号用定冠词+序数词+事物名词。如:

Now, let’s learn the Twelfth Lesson. 现在,让我们学习第十二课吧!

(4) 表示分数用基数词(分子)+序数词(分母)。当分子大于1时,分母的序数词用复数形式。如:

Two thirds of the students are girls in our class. 我们班三分之二的学生是女孩。

(5) 序数词前有物主代词或名词所有格修饰时,序数词前不用定冠词the。如:

His father’s second wife was kind to him, too. 他的继母对他也很慈爱。

2. I was happy to see your e-mail. 我很高兴看到你的电子邮件。

[用法透视]be happy to do sth. 表示很高兴做某事。不定式可以在表示感情的形容词后面来修饰形容词,表示原因。常用这种结构的形容词有:happy, glad, sorry, lucky, proud, clever, ready, surprised等。修饰表示感情以外的形容词有:easy, hard, difficult等。如:

We’re happy to be back to school after the long holiday. 度过这个长假期后我们很高兴返校。

He is lucky to get there. 他很幸运,到达那儿。

We found him easy to get along with. 我们发现他是个很好相处的人。

3. It’s fun to get e-mail from China. 收到从中国来的电子邮件是很有趣的。

[用法透视]to get e-mail为动词不定式在句子中作实际主语,it为形式主语。上句可以写成:To get e-mail from China is fun.如:

To be a doctor is my dream. 当医生是我的梦想。

To work hard brings success. 努力工作会带来成功。

注:不定式作主语如果较长时,往往在句首用形式主语it代替它,而将真正的主语(不定式)移到谓语之后,以避免头重脚轻,即 It is +adj. / n. +to do sth.”。如:

It’s not easy for us to learn a foreign language well. 对于我们来说,学好一门外语不容易。

It’s better to give than to receive. 给予要比获得好。

. It’s good exercise for us. 对我们来说是很好的锻炼。


I have lots of exercises to go tonight. 今晚我有许多练习要做。

It’s good to do eye exercises every day. 每天做眼保健操是有好处的。

Please do more exercise from now on. 从今以后请多做运动。


David exercises every morning. 大卫每天早晨进行锻炼。

Exercise boys in swimming. 请你训练男孩子游泳。

5. On Wednesday, my cousin Brian arrives from the U.K. 星期三,我的表弟布赖恩从英国来。

[易混辨析]arrive; get; reach

这三个词都可表示到达get是个不及物动词,其后可直接跟副词,当接名词时应用get toarrive也是一个不及物动词,当其后跟名词时应用介词inat,当后面的地点为小地方时用介词at,大地方用inreach则是一个及物动词,其后直接接地点名词或副词。如:

Mr. Wang reached / arrived in / got to Beijing last night. 王先生昨天晚上到达了北京。

If you don’t get up early, you’ll arrive / get / reach here. 如果你不早点起来,你就不能早点到那儿。

Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture

1. I look like a little boy in it. 在照片里,我看起来像一个小男孩。

[相似辨析]look like; be like


Is she like her dad or mum? = Does she look like her dad or mum? 她长得像她爸爸还是像她妈妈?

. I need a new photograph, but I don’t have one. 我需用一张新照片,但我没有。

[用法透视]one 在此是代词,用来代替前面出现过的名词,泛指上文提到的一件东西,以避免重复。


This ruler is too short. Do you have a long one? 这把尺子太短了,你有长的吗?

These new books are different from the old ones. 这些新书不同于那些旧书。

最新-八年级英上册 Unit 1 Me and My Class字词句分课优化全解教案 冀教版 精品
