
发布时间:2011-07-11 15:55:49

第31卷21文章编号:1673-4599(2011)01-0021-03解决某型飞机座舱夏季飞行高温问题的方法及有关的计算论证付长安,张显余,韩丰波(空军航空大学 航空机械工程系,吉林 长春 130022)摘 要:某型飞机夏季飞行座舱温度高的问题由来已久,在外界环境温度为30℃时,座舱温度高达40℃以上,对飞行人员的身心健康产生了不同程度的影响。通过本文分析得出结论:该型飞机座舱高温问题,主要是由于现有制冷设备的设计制冷能力受到某些环境因素的制约而没能完全发挥作用造成的。通过计算提出了从机外引入冲压空气,降低空气散热器冷边系统的空气温度,以改善机务舱与外界热交换条件的方法来解决该型飞机夏季飞行座舱高温的问题。关键词:飞机座舱;制冷能力;散热器中图分类号:V223+.3 文献标识码:AThe Method and Calculation Demonstration to Resolve High Temperature Trouble of the Cockpit in Summer Flight for A Certain Model AircraftFU Chang-an , ZHANG Xian-yu , HAN Feng-bo( Department of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering , Air Force Aviation University ,Changchun 130022 , China )Abstract : Being of long standing,the high temperature trouble of the cockpit has always been the serious fault in summer fl ight for a certain model of the aircrafts.When the aircrafts fl y in summer,theambient temperature of 30℃ and the cockpit temperature above 40℃ will have a great in fluence on the health of the fl ight personal. Analyzing the trouble,we obtain the following conclusion:First the trouble is not because the cooling ability of the cooler can not satisfy the requirement,but because the cooling ability of the existing cooler is confined by some enviromental factors so that it can not function fully;then an idea to modify the cold paramenters of the cooler is put forward;finally the specific modi fi cation details of the cooler is provided to lower the temperature of the cockpit through a large quantity of pneumatic calculation and demontration.Key words : cockpit ; cooling ability ; cooler收稿日期:2010-04-10;修订日期:2011-01-081 座舱高温的原因分析该型飞机座舱冷却装置属于涡轮通风式,每套装置包括一台空气散热器和一台涡轮冷却器。由发动机压缩器引出的高温、高压空气,先经过空气散热器散热,而后在涡轮冷却器里进一步邹 辉 等:高超声速湍流高效模拟算法第31卷 第1期2011年 2月飞 机 设 计AIRCRAFT DESIGN V ol. 31 No. 1Feb 2011

