
发布时间:2016-09-05 11:01:35

展示场地使用协议  (中英文)

          Display Place Use Agreement


甲方:Party A:



乙方: Party B:



基于乙方将于2010_______日至2010_______日期间在甲方举办   宴会活动,需使用甲方场地陈列、展示奔驰轿车,双方在平等、自愿的基础上,经协商一致订立本合同,以资共同遵守。

Party B need rent Party A’s     area to display the Mercedes-Benz car (Display) because of the  banque which will be held by Party B during  2010 to   2010 in  Hotel (Banque). Party A and Party B sign this Agreement on the basis of equality, free will and mutual consultation as following:

1.甲方同意于2010_________   时至2010_________   时期间共   天(以下称为“使用期”),向乙方免费提供位于*** 酒店    面积为_______平方米的场地(下称“场地”,具体方位图详见附件附图)用于乙方陈列、展示     辆型号为           品牌乘用车(下称“展品”)。

Party A agrees to provide Party B *** Hotel’s total     square meters areas located in     (Display Area, orientation chart stated in the attachment) for free to display (几辆) (型号)cars (Car)during        2010 to       2010Term

3.乙方如在使用期外使用场地的,应提前征得甲方的同意,乙方超期使用场地的,应向向甲方支付超时使用费用每天人民币    元。

Party B shall obtain Party A’s approval in prior and pay overtime use fee as per car per day RMB

      Yuan to Party A in case Party B uses the Display Area beyond the Term.


Party A’s only responsibility under this Agreement is to provide the Display Area for Party B and shall bear no responsibility for any losses during the Term. Party B shall cover the related liability insurance concerning the Display at its own cost. All responsibility and risk arising thereof during the Display (including the preparation, display, and removal period) shall be borne by Party B.


Party B shall take charge of building, installation, dismantling, removing of the booth, the Car and aftertreatment at its own cost.


Party B shall have the liability to maintain the Display Area and other area of *** Hotel in a clean status. Upon expiration of Term, Party B shall remove all its materials concerning the Display (including but not limited to booth) out of the Display Area. Any material that has not been removed out in time shall be treated as derelicts. Party B may also entrust Party A to treat the abovematerial at Party B’s cost. If any damage of the Display Area and/or any Party A’s equipments is caused by Party B, Party B shall take the whole responsibility of compensation thereof.


