2018-2019版高中英语 Unit 3 Amazing people单元加餐练 牛津译林必修2

发布时间:2019-06-08 23:44:51

Unit 3 Amazing people



“I want to movebut I need to have a job in the new city first. I’ll follow my passionas soon as I have enough money in the bank.

Over and over I hear my clients 1 their dreams before the dreams are even fully imagined.Seemingly undefeatable road blocks destroy all hope.They have lost 2 they have even begun to play the game.

Dreams are just wishes if you do not take action.Receiving your dream life 3 with movement.Big or small doesn’t 4 as long as it is movement.

Life is like a board game.Roll the dice(骰子)Move forward.Act on 5 that come your way.Roll again.Move a few steps forward.Move a few steps 6 .Not everything needs to be 7 before you get started.You only need to know which way you are 8 not the whole pictureto begin moving.

When my husband and I moved to Mexico last yeareveryone thought we had taken one big step.My husband was very rooted back in Illinois.The thought of leaving was not 9 for him.Then he was provided with a job in another city.He did not take the 10 at firstbut in exploring it as another choicewe knew we were both ready to make a 11 .

12 we moved toward our dream even when we didn’t know what the 13 would be.We took large and small risks to continue our forward movement.We said yes to our first trip to Cabo.We said yes to exploring the job in another city.Saying no to either would have blocked our dream.We supported each other 14 the unknown and celebrated the 15 opportunities which came our way.

What is your dream? What is the one little step you can take today to start you down your path?

1A.stick with Bwake from

Cgive up Dkeep alive

答案 C

解析 stick with坚持;wake from……中醒来;give up 放弃;keep alive保持生机。我不止一次听到我的客户们在梦想被充分想象之前就放弃了他们的梦想。根据句意可知选C

2A.when Bbefore

Csince Duntil

答案 B

解析 when……时候;before……之前;since自从……以来;until直到……为止。在他们还没开始玩这个游戏之前,他们就已经输了。故答案为B

3A.agrees Bdoes

Cmeets Dbegins

答案 D

解析 agree同意;do做;meet遇见;begin开始。无论梦想大小,只要你采取行动,它就有实现的可能。可知答案为D

4A.matter Bdiffer

Caffect Dexist

答案 A

解析 matter 重要,关键;differ使……不同;affect影响;exist存在。参考上题解析,故选A

5A.dice Bchances

Cmovements Dplans

答案 B

解析 dice骰子chance机会movement运动动作移动plan计划。当机遇降临时,勇敢地迈出你的步伐。故答案为B

6A.up Bback

Cdown Dahead

答案 B

解析 up 向上;back向后;down 向下;ahead向前。接着向前走几步。或许会有几步挫折。在你起步的时候,并不是一切都会被安排得井井有条。根据句意可知答案为B

7A.in power Bin time

Cin place Din detail

答案 C

解析 参考上题解析。in place在适当的位置。根据句意可知答案为C

8A.headed Bpushed

Ctrapped Dmade

答案 A

解析 你只需要知道你要朝着哪条路走。head(某方向)前进。故选A

9A.tough Banxious

Ceasy Dsudden

答案 C

解析 tough艰苦的;anxious焦虑的;easy容易的;sudden突然的。迁居对他来说绝非易事。故选C

10A.place Badvice

Cadvantage Doffer

答案 D

解析 起初他没有接受这份工作。故答案为D

11A.request Bchange

Cpoint Dliving

答案 B

解析 request 请求;change 变化;point 观点;living生活。起初他并没有接受,但是不过我们将其作为一种备选方案进行了尝试,这次尝试让我们知道,我们已经准备好改变了。故答案为B

12A.On and on BAgain and again

CStep by step DOne by one

答案 C

解析 on and on继续不停地;again and again反复地;step by step一步一步地;one by one一个接一个地。我们一步一步地走向我们的梦想,即使我们不知道结果会怎样。根据句意可知答案为C

13A.direction Bdestination

Cresult Dprocess

答案 C

解析 direction 方向;destination目的地;result结果;process过程。参考上题解析。故选C

14A.during Binto

Caround Dthrough

答案 D

解析 during……期间;into进入;around……周围; through通过。我们在面对未知的时候相互扶持,在获得意外的机会时相互庆祝。根据句意可知答案为D

15A.intended Bunexpected

Cwasted Dmissed

答案 B

解析  intended有意的;unexpected 未料到的;wasted 浪费的;missed错过的。参考上题解析。故选B




Pretty much anyone can book a tripbut not everyone can plan an ultimate adventure that’s affordableaccommodatingand fun for everyone in your group.At Tripsinsider.comwe aim to provide you with the best insider secrets in the travel business and a state­of­the­art travel comparison tool to make planning easier than ever.

Here are some insider tips that we’d like to share with you.

We hope that you found the tips on this page helpful and can put them to use on your next vacation.Whether you plan to flydriveor cruisebecome an expert trip planner by using our travel comparison tool for all your transportation and hotel needs.Please visit us again and sign up for our newsletter(时事通讯) to keep getting the best deals and money­saving tips.

16Which of the following statements is TRUE?

AIf you join an airline loyalty programyou will surely get a flight upgrade.

BYou will have to pay more for car rental as your driving time increases.

CIn different locationsrooms of the same price may vary in size and surroundings.

DMake friends with crew members and you can take away all the souvenirs aboard.

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据表格中的Ask for a Corner Room部分中的“When you check in at a hotelask if there’s a corner room available.These are usually larger and quieter for the same price as ones in the middle of the hall.”可知,同样价格的角落的房子是比位于中间的房子要大一些,要安静一点。所以花同等价格的钱,因为位置不同,房子的大小及环境也不同。故选C项。

17Why is it more likely to be upgraded in a hotel at the end of the day?

ABecause people usually check out.

BBecause there are more rooms available.

CBecause hotels make it a rule to offer upgrades at that time.

DBecause hotels know better about the number of rooms used.

答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据表格中的Ask for a Corner Room部分中的“Upgrades are most often offered at the end of the day when hotels have a better sense of their occupancy.”可知,升级通常要在一天结束时,因为酒店在那时更了解房间的入住情况。故选D项。

18What does Tripsinsider.com focus on?

AMeeting the need of every traveller.

BReducing traveling cost.

CEnabling people to travel with less driving.

DHelping people travel in groups.

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据第一段内容可知,Tripsinsider.com是让你能有一个很划算的旅行,也就是节省旅行费用的网站。故选B项。



One of India’s top engineering schools has restricted Internet access in its hostelssaying addiction to surfinggaming and blogging was affecting students’ performancemaking them reclusive(孤独的) and even suicidal.

Authorities at the elite Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) in Mumbai said students had stopped socializing and many were late for morning classes or slept through them.

Nowa student doesn’t even know who lives two doors away from him because he is so busy on the Internet” said Prakash Gopalandean of student affairs.

The old hostel culture of camaraderie and socializing among students is gone.This is not healthy in our opinion.

IIT­Mumbaiwith about 5,000 studentsis one of the seven IITs across India which are considered to be among the finest engineering schools in the world.They are also a talent pool for global technology giants.

But their exacting(苛刻的) curriculumtough competition and reclusive campus lifestyle have taken a toll on students.

Depressive and dysfunctional lifestyles are known to be common among IIT studentsand at least nine have committed suicide in the past five years.

Students have unlimited free Internet access in their hostel rooms to help them in their studiesbut many also use it to surfchatdownload movies and musicblog and for gaming.

Starting MondayInternet access will be barred between 11 pm.and 1230 pm.at IIT­Mumbai’s 13 hostels to encourage students to sleep early and to try and force them out of their ‘shells’” Gopalan said.

There has been a decline in academic performance and also participation in sportingcultural and social activities has gone down” he said.

But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated.

Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby(摇篮曲) to go to sleep” said Rajivan electronics student.

19In the paststudents were not limited to surf the Internet because their school .

Awanted them to improve their studies

Bthought it convenient for them to keep in touch with their friends and parents

Chad few interesting activities

Dwished to improve the students’ ability of communication

答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第五段中的“Students have unlimited free Internet access in their hostel rooms to help them in their studies”可知,在过去,学校让学生自由上网,主要是为了帮助他们的学习。

20Many students at the IIT slept during classes mainly because they the night before.

Astayed up to prepare their lessons

Btook part in social activities

Cwent out to see the film

Dwere absorbed in surfing and slept late

答案 D

解析 细节理解题。根据第一段内容可知,学生无限制地上网、打游戏、写博客影响了他们在校的表现(affecting students’ performance),故学生上课睡觉是因为他们前一天晚上熬夜上网。

21We can infer from the passage that .

Asome students are not satisfied with the school’s new regulation

Bmany students can’t go to sleep without listening to a lullaby

Cmany students don’t think surfing the Internet have anything to do with their poor academic performance

Dthe IIT is a very common engineering school in India

答案 A

解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“But the move has not gone down well with students who say they hate their lives being regulated.”可知,学校的新规定并没有得到所有学生的认同。

22The underlined phrase gone down probably means

Abeen carried out Bbecome familiar

Cbecome popular Dbecome known

答案 C

解析 词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段可知,这一举措并没有引起很好的反响,学生们说他们不喜欢自己的生活受管制。go down well得到好的反响。



An Invisible Smile

Mr Dawson was an old grouch(脾气坏的人)and everyone in town knew it.Kids wouldn’t go into his yard to pick a delicious appleeven off the groundbecause old Dawsonthey saidwould come after you with his ball bullet gun.

One Friday,12­year­old Janet was going to stay all night with her friend Amy.They had to walk by Dawson’s house on the way to Amy’s housebut as they got closeJanet saw him sitting on his front porch(门廊) and suggested they cross over to the other side of the street.Like most of the childrenshe was scared of the old man because of the stories she’d heard about him.

Amy told her not to worryfor Mr Dawson wouldn’t hurt anyone.StillJanet was growing more nervous with each step closer to the old man’s house.When they got close enoughDawson looked up with his usual frown(皱眉)but when he saw it was Amya broad smile changed his entire face as he said“HelloMiss Amy.I see you’ve got a little friend with you today.

Amy smiled back and told him Janet was staying overnight and they were going to listen to music and play games.Dawson told them that sounded funand offered them each a fresh apple picked off his tree.They gladly accepted.Dawson had the best apples in town.

When they got out of Dawson’s earshotJanet asked Amy“Everyone says he’s the meanest(吝啬) man in town.How come he was so nice to us

Amy explained that when she first started walking past his househe wasn’t very friendly and she was afraid of himbut she pretended he was wearing an invisible smile and so she always smiled back at him.It took a whilebut one day he half­smiled back at her.

After some more timehe started smiling real smiles and then started talking to her.Just a hello at firstthen more.She said he always offers her an apple nowand is always very kind.

An invisible smile” questioned Janet.

Yes” answered Amy“my grandma told me that if I pretended I wasn’t afraid and pretended he was smiling an invisible smile at me and I smiled back at himthat .Grandma says smiles can spread.

If we remember what Amy’s grandma saidthat everyone wears an invisible smilewe too will find that most people can’t resist(抵制) our smiles after a while.

23Kids were scared of Mr Dawson because .

Ahe didn’t allow them to get into his yard

Bhe would beat them with a gun

Che was mean with his apples

Dhe was always cold

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Kids wouldn’t go into his yard to pick a delicious appleeven off the groundbecause old Dawsonthey saidwould come after you with his ball bullet gun.”及下文Amy告诉Janet的关于她与老人之间的故事可知,老人对人一直很冷淡。故选D

24When Amy and Janet were getting closer to Mr Dawson’s househe .

Afrowned as usual

Bstopped smiling

Cgrew nervous

Dbecame excited

答案 A

解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“When they got close enoughDawson looked up with his usual frown(皱眉)...”可知选A

25Which of the following sentences can be put in the blank in the last but one paragraph?

Ahe would get angry with any passer­by

Bhe would give in to have a forced smile

Csooner or later he would really smile

Dhe would pick a fallen apple to share it

答案 C

解析 推理判断题。根据上文的我假装不害怕,假装他在冲我笑,我也朝着他笑和下文的奶奶说微笑是可以传播的。说明Amy认为老人迟早会露出真正的笑容。故选C

26We can infer from the passage that .

ADawson had the best apples in town

Bit was Grandma’s advice that helped bring Amy and Mr Dawson together

Cwhen Amy first started walking past Mr Dawson’s househe was very friendly to Amy

Dthe reason why Amy and Janet got fresh apples was that Janet always wore an invisible smile

答案 B

解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,是Amy奶奶的话鼓励她先冲着老人微笑,从而感化了老人,老人也开始对她笑。故选B

27Which of the following is the theme that the passage conveys?

APractice makes perfect.

BGreat minds think alike.

CActions speak louder than words.

DSmile can shorten the distance between people.

答案 D

解析 主旨大意题。本文讲述了一个脾气古怪的老人被Amy的微笑感化变得友好的故事,由此可知,微笑可以缩短人们之间的距离。故选D

2018-2019版高中英语 Unit 3 Amazing people单元加餐练 牛津译林必修2
