
发布时间:2023-03-01 06:43:43

What is a negotiation? A negotiation is a process of communication between parties to manage conflicts in order for them to come to an agreement, solve a problem or make arrangements.谈判是各方为化解冲突而进行沟通的过程,目的是使各方达成一项协议、解决一个问题或做出某种安排。
Factors in a successful negotiation 1. Result of mutual taking and giving共同的给予和获取的结果
2. The existence of conflicts and collaboration 冲突与合作并存
3.Every party can exercise(行使) veto right(否决权) to the results of the negotiation各方都可对谈判决议行使否决权
What is a conflict ? A conflict is a dispute, disagreement or argument between two or more interdependent parties who have different and common interests. 冲突是发生在两个或更多既有不同利益又有共同利益的相互依赖的当事人之间的对抗、争执或不同意见。
Stakes are the value of benefits that may be gained or lost,and costs that may be incurred or avoided.利益是指(通过谈判)可以获得的利益或者是失去的利益及可以

Four points 1.The negotiations are pertinent to relevant parties interests.谈判是对于各方具有利害关系的事件
2.All parties have to pay for the gaining, but what they will get is determined by how well negotiators manage the situation.谈判各方必须有所付出才能获取利益,但所获取利益取决于谈判者如何应对谈判
3.What they will get is also determined by the current situation.所获取利益也取决于谈判时的事态发展现状
4.Negotiators have to balance the relation between the current interests and long-term interests.谈判者必须对眼前利益和长远利益之间作出权衡
General Structure of Negotiation 1.Determine interests and issues确定利益与议题
Negotiators should identify their own interests and the other side’s interests (specially their underlying interests and find out what issues are involved.

