
发布时间:2020-05-27 21:50:47


一、 过渡词的种类

  1. 根据意思和作用的不同,过渡词可以分为以下十五类


  and, also, as well, as well asor, too, not only ... but also, both ... and, either ... or, neither ... nor


besides, in addition/additionally, moreover, what’s more, more importantly, furthermore, what’s worse(更糟糕的是)


but, however, yet, instead, on the other hand, on the contrary(相反), although, despite, in spite of, whereas(而), unlike, nevertheless(然而), not only ... but also, here ... there, years ago ... today, this ... that, the former ... the latter, then ... now, the first ...whereas the second, once ... now, on the one hand ... on the other hand, some ... others


because, because of, since, as, for, now that, thanks to, due to(由于)


so, as a result, then, consequently, thereby, therefore, hence, thus, so that, so ... that, such ... that


if, unless, on condition that(条件是), as/ so long as(只要)


when, while, after, before, until, as soon as, later, afterwards(事后), soon, lately, recently, since, from then on,eventually, in the meantime, then, suddenly, at the same time, next, early this morning / year / century, after a while, in a few days, now, presently, finally, at last, all of a sudden, from now on, at present, immediately, the moment


first, firstly, second, secondly, third, thirdly, above all, first of all, then, next, finally, in the end, at last, afterward(s) (后来), meanwhile, thereafter(在那以后), last, finally, eventually(终于), last but not the least (最后但并非最不重要)


in other words, that is to say, to put it another way


for instance, for example, like, such as


in fact, actually, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth


certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important, in fact, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously


like, unlike, in the same way, similarly, similar to


for this reason, for this purpose(为此), so that, in order to, so as to


in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speaking, to sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in summary


For one thing for another…既可以表示并列,也可以表示顺序,还可以表示比较对比。同样的表达有on (the) one hand on the other.

  2. 文章段落之间的逻辑关系主要由过渡词来完成,在修辞中称为启、承、转、合就是开头, “是承接,是转折,是综合或总结。


first, first of all, at first, in the first place, firstly, to start with, recently, now, at present, in recent years, in general, generally speaking, at present, lately, currently,

  It is often said that ...

  As the proverb says ...

  It goes without saying that ...

  It is clear / obvious that ...

  Many people often ask ...


second, similarly, in addition, besides, then, furthermore, moreover, what is more, what is worse, for example, for instance, certainly, surely, obviously, in other words, especially, particularly, in particular, indeed, still, third, truly, in fact, at the same time, no doubt It is true that ...

  Everybody knows that ...

  It can be easily proved that ...

  No one can deny that ...

  The reason why ... is that ...

  There is no doubt that ...

  To take ... for an example (instance)...

  We know that ...

  What is more serious is that ...


  but, however, on the other hand, on the contrary, in contrast, in any case, at any rate(无论如何), nevertheless(虽然如此), otherwise, or, or else, while, whereas, but, despite, in spite of ... , yet, instead,

  I do not believe that ...

  Perhaps you’ll ask why ...

  This may be true, but we still have a problem with regard to ...

  Though we are in basic agreement with ..., yet differences will be found,

  That’s why I feel that ...


  in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all, generally speakingto sum up, finally, in conclusion, at last, in summary, therefore, as a result, above all, thusafter all(毕竟), eventually, hence, in short, in conclusion, in a word, in sum(总之), on the whole(就整体而言), to sum up

  From this point of view ...

  On account of this we can find that ...

  The result is dependent on ...

  Thus, this is the reason why we must ...




  有的学生在作文中使用过多的简单句,成了简单句的堆砌;有的写复杂句时,动辄用so and then but or however yet等,这非但达不到丰富表达方式的目的,反而使句子结构松散、呆板。为了避免这种现象,可以通过使用不同的过渡词来出现丰富句型,把思想表达得更清楚,意义更连贯。例如:

  1. 学生习作

  TV and website

  TV and website are popular media. They have something in common. Both of them make money from ads. Websites also have different sections. You may choose the one you are most interested in.

  They are different in many ways. Moving pictures are shown on TV with sound and interpretation. It makes you feel that you are just on the spot. The programs change every day. Professional TV reporters do the report for TV.

  Some information on websites change all the time. Not all of it is so updated. Everybody can write articles for websites rather than professional reporters.

  Every medium has its own features. It is hard to say which is better.



  TV and website

  Both TV and website are popular media. They have something in common. Both of them make money from ads. Similar to TV, websites also have different sections, so that you may choose the one you are most interested in.

  However, they are different in many ways. Above all, moving pictures are shown on TV with sound and interpretation, which makes you feel as if you are just on the spot. Then, the programs change every day and professional TV reporters do the report for TV. Unlike TV, some information on websites changes all the time, but not all of it is so updated. In addition, everybody can write articles for websites rather than professional reporters.

  In a word, every medium has its own features, so it is hard to say which is better.

