

兴趣是学生的内驱力,引发学生浓厚的情感是学好英语的关键。农村小学英语学习缺乏语言环境,学生遗忘现象比较比较严重,出现学时会、用时忘的现象。长此以来,会导致一部分学生成绩偏差,慢慢对英语学习失去兴趣,影响老师的正常教学。小学英语教学的活动立足于现实,着眼于学生的未来的学习和发展,仅靠纯课堂内教学远不能满足学生学习英语的需要,我们应树立大课堂的教学观,重视课外活动。课外活动是课堂教学的辅助形式,是课堂教学的补充和延伸, 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发他们学习积极性,为了丰富学生的课余生活,我们开设小学英语课外活动小组。 二、活动目的:
1、通过有效的课外活动,从小培养学生对英语及英语学习的兴趣。 2、授人以渔,培养学生英语学习能力。
3、培养学生良的行为习惯,形成健康的个性心理。 4、提高学生的整体素质,为日后学习英语打好基础。 三、活动内容:(每次确定一个主题) 1、进行课文朗读训练。
2、学生自我介绍,及学生唱英语歌。 3、根据话题,进行讨论,编对话及表演。 4、英语词汇大比拼训练。 5、学唱英文歌。


7、根据话题,进行讨论,编对话表演。 8、自由对话(用英语交流)。 四、活动要求:
每位同学必须按时参加兴趣小组活动。在活动中积极参与,团结协作。 五、活动措施:
1、充分利用录音磁带进行朗读训练,并积极开展朗读比赛。 2、开展有效的游戏比赛,学生进行词汇大比拼。 3、让学生进行口语表达,能够流利地进行口语交际。 4、活动前教师要确定好主题,让学生能够按主题进行活动。 六、具体安排: 第一课时 第二课时 第三课时 第四课时 第五课时

Greeting 和阅读方法
story about the animals
open day


第六课时 第七课时 第八课时 第九课时 第十课时 第十一课时 第十二课时 第十三课时 第十四课时 第十五课时 第十六课时
My friends Tasty food
A Very Hungry Snake Little Red Hen Brown bear Mothers Day Olympic Games Stories Father’s Day Lets act Interesting English

课时1 课外阅读策略指导课教案





3、培养学生阅读兴趣 树立信心。
二、引导学生总结读书方法 1、利用课本阅读资源
现行小学英语教材,安排了各种各样的阅读材料,而且图文并茂,语言生动有趣,是学生最好的阅读资源。(1)粗读、略读课文,布置简单的任务,学生快速阅读全文,理清文章脉络,了解大意,并回答简单问题。(2)精读课文,互相讨论语言知识点,教师指出重点、难点,帮助学生整体理解课文。(3)总结课文,对课文进行信息梳理、归纳和总结,使信息的吸收得到强化和巩固。 2、推荐优秀课外读物
阅读是一个认知的过程,阅读习惯的优与劣直接影响着阅读速度和效果。(1)按意群阅读。减少目光停留的次数,慢慢做到整句认读。2)略读。快速浏览全文,领会文章大意,发现作者的观点和意图,抓住文章的中心思想。3)寻读。在浏览全文的基础上,进行查读,从阅读材料中迅速查出所需要的某些信息。(4)默读。引导学生借助视觉进行默读,帮助学生养成不出声、不动唇、用眼浏览读书的习 4

惯,提高阅读速度。(5)限时阅读。教师在做阅读时先提出一两个阅读任务并约定阅读语篇的时间,要求学生尽量在限定的时间内阅读完毕,增强学生的时间观念,抑制回视、译读、身体某部位在动耗时低效的阅读,提高阅读速度。 三、多种训练方式,加强阅读检测
总之,在阅读教学中,教师要结合合适的阅读材料对学生进行不同的阅读策略指导,学生在完成学习任务的过程中练习、巩固阅读方法及习惯使之成为阅读技能,并在兴趣驱动下运用于课外阅读中,从而提升学生的阅读能力。 三、学生总结阅读方法 1. 小组总结
2. 运用于反例来阅读获取关键信息 教学反思:


story about the animals 一、 教学准备与分析 1.教学内容
小学阅读100 A story about the animals 2.教学目标
21技能与知识目标 A.基本要求
基本能读懂文章内容,掌握篇章的核心内容。 B.初步要求
让学生初步掌握阅读技巧及写作方法。 2.2运用能力目标
通过学生对文章的阅读及个性思维的锻炼使得学生懂得爱护动物,白人类与动物之间,动物与动物之间都能和谐相处。 3.教学重点
掌握文章中的新词汇,能够读懂文章,掌握一定的阅读技巧,并提高学生的综合语言运用能力。 4.教学难点


PPT cards stickers Teaching steps:

1. Warming up
(1 Greetings with students.
【设计意图:拉近与学生的距离的同时很自然的引出新课】 2. Presentation
1 T: Let’s enjoy a cartoon together. Please watch and remenber. What can you see? What can you hear? (播放一段欢快的人与动物和谐相处的视频。 2 T: What did you see? What did you hear?
T: They love animals, I love animals. Do you love animals? Ss:..
(3 T: Now look! Here comes two animals. Please look what they are? CAI快速出示图像,引出今天的动物主角goat and wolf. 4)请学生通过自己的想象描述养和狼。 (5 请猜测What do they think and say?
【设计意图:使得学生充分发挥自己的想象力,并且锻炼学生的语言综合运用能力,从而对后面的阅读打下基础,使学习更充满趣味性。 3. Firs reading
Task I. Read and underline(划出the answers.

THere’s a story about them. Let’s read it quickly. Underline the answers. Is it the same as what we said?(看屏幕上的表格快速找出养和狼所说所想。.


One beautiful spring morning, a hungry_______goes out to look for his dinner, He sees________________
The wolf thinks____________________________________________
The wolf says____________________________________________”

The goat thinks__________________________________________” 【设计意图:通过泛读使学生掌握文章的中心含义。对后面的精读和语言的进一步运用打下基础。】 4. Second reading
Task II. Read and circle the new words.
【设计意图:让学生自己发现问题。这样能够非常准确的了解学生所需。而不是教师限定他们的所需。】 5. Third reading
Task III. Read and write (T or (F.
T: You’ve got the new words. Now let’s read the passage again, and do the task III.
1. It is a spring evening .
2. The wolf wants to eat the goat up. 3. The wolf is the goat’s friend.
4. The goat doesn’t know what the wolf wants.
6. Post reading
Task IV. Read and make up an ending(续编结尾 for the story. a.T: Now we don’t know what happens next? Would you like to read the passage in groups of 4. And make up an ending for it. Then try to write them down.


b. After that, give a title for the story.
【设计意图:通过让学生给故事遍结尾及给标题进一步锻炼了学生的发散性思维的同时也练习了语言运用及书写能力。进一步激发了学生的挑战欲望。在完成整个环节后学生会体会一种成就感。】 7.Emotion cultivate.
Appriciate the pictures. what do you want to say now?

8.总结评价。 9.Homework.
Make up a new story about the animals.
We love animals

The goat The wolf New words:
says thinks __________ says __________ __________ __________
【设计意图:通过此板书学生能很清晰地了解本文章的中心含义,外可对学生进行有效评价。】 教学反思


第三课时 open day教学设计

teaching plan
topic : my family teaching aids :photos,cards teaching aims:
a,let the pupils master the new words.
b,make the pupils can describe their family members with the new sentence pattern:this is my,she/he is teaching contents:
words:grandma ,grandpa ,father ,mother,brother,sister,husband,wi fe,family
sentence :this is my ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely teaching important:
new words: grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family sentence :this is my ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely teaching difficult:


pupils can describe their family with the sentence partten: this is my ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely procedure: 1,greeting.
2,warming up:review the words :father,mother,sister ,brother 3,presantation:a,show and look the family photos,the learn the new words. grandma ,grandpa, husband,wife,family b,describe the photos and learn the sentence, this is my ,she /he is very(young,old,lovely 4,practice: a,describe the photos b,do the matching 5,homework class record
t:hello,boys and girls,how are you going today? s:fine,thanks,miss huang.how are you going
t:very well.thank you so much.today is the first day of a week,so today we will have something new to learn.(write do
wn the topic:my familyok,do you bring the family photos with you?(a task have assigned last week. ss:yes!(shoe the photos
t:great!look,here is my family photo.(show the photo to the students.please tell me where i am? ss:that little girl in red.


t:yeah,its me.(point to the little girland the young man is my.? ss:father.
t:right,father,we have learned last week.so the young woman beside my father is my …? smother.
t:how about the little boy?(brother!,and the young girl?(sister! great !(write down the words on the bbread them together!(students begin to read.
ok,pay attentionwho is that old man behind my father? ss:爷爷。
t:yes,he is my grandpa, my grandpa,(write down the new words.read and spell it.(students read and pell the word.
t:look at this old woman,she is my fathers mather,and she is my grandma, grandma—奶奶。read it three times!(ss read and spell it. so my grandma is my grandpas wife, wife---妻子。read after me,wife ss:wife,w-i-f-e,
t:good!my father is my mothers husband, husband,whats meaning?just guess, ss:丈夫。 t:clever!read it! (ss read and spell it. t:so my grandpa is my grandmas? ss:husband.

t:right!ok,listen to me carefully!there are six people in my family,the old


man is my grandpa ,the old woman is my grandma.the wowan behind me is my mother and the man beside my mother is my father.they are very young.the young girl is my sister and the boy is my brother,where iami am in front of my sister.
now please show me your family photos.who can introduce your family to me?do you know introduce?it means “介绍”. (some students hand up. t:ok,you,please!
s1:(show his family photothere are four people in my family.the little boy is my brother,the woman is my mother,and this man is my father.they are very young.this girl is me.
t:good job,sit down ,please!now introduce your family to your deskmate ,please! (ss begain to introduce
t:finished?(yes!good,next,we are going to do the practice.here are three picyures.(put the pictures on the bb.look at the pictures and listen to me carefully. i live with my wife,eva,and our baby daughter,near the centre of the city.the flat is very expensive,so we live with my parents,and my brother.ok,now please tell me how many people in this family? ss:six people.
t:right.which picture is this mans family photo? ss:picture two.
t:very good!here are the introduction of the another two pictures.who

can match them with the pictures well?i need two students ,who can have a try?(ss hand up.ok ,you two ,please. (s2 and s2 go to the bb to do the matching. tare they right? ss:yes!
t:well down!congratulations!(clab hands. (ssclab their hands.
t: your homework,drow a picture of your family and write down your introduction about your family.thats all for today,goodbye,class! ss:goodbye ,miss huang!

第四课时 阅读教学设计


presentation---- 自主探究,合作交流(12--13m a.scan (细读)the story and underline the strange words. a:self -study: (2m
t: please scan (细读)the story and underline the strange words. ss: try to read the text by themselves and underline the strange words.


b. group-work:(3m
t: you can help each other in your groups,if you still have some questions,please ask me or your partners. c. solve the questions:(7-8m
t:ok,stop here.lets read the text and get the meanings ,at the same time,pay attention to correcting our pronunciation of the strange words.(check ot teachat last, listen to recording and follow twice (设计意图:这些活动的设计体现以生为本中“先学后教”教学理念。这样有利于学生在学习过程中自己去吃糖,符合学生勇于尝新的心理,利于学生主体的发挥。当然,对于陌生的词句,教师的有效指导和讲解是必须的,体现教师的示范引领作用。) practice----------巩固操练,比赛评价(8--10m a.reading-match:(3-5m
t:ok.lets read the text together,after that well take part in reading match between the groups.before the match,look here.this is a mountain, you can choose the see animals youd like to be.youll have a climbing mountain match according to the points,who get to the top first,youll be the winners.ok,lets begin.
b.t: please skim the text, and answer the questions on p.40.


production------检测训练,拓展延伸(6- 8m a.choose the right answers: 1 1/4 is.
a a quarter one quarterone fourth 2 rose is one of flowers.
a beautiful more beautifulthe more beautiful
3 you can find many,whales, dolphins, starfish and sea horses in the oceans.
a streams b sharks canimals 4 we must stop football in the classroom. a play bto play cplaying 5 we must keep our faces every day. a clean b to cleanccleaning
b.try to fill in the blanks and learn to retell the story.
water covers almost of the earth. there is water in streams,rivers,,seas and . you can find whales, dolphins
and in oceans. dolphins are the most intelligent animals. starfish and are beautiful sea animals. the oceans are important to . we must stop polluting oceans. t help ss to check the answers.

试着复述所学文章,从而形成学生综合语言运用能力。) summary--------反思小结 (3-5m a. t and students summarize the contents. b. homework supermarket.
1 listen to the tape three times. (must be done 2 read the story three times.(must be done 3 retell or rewrite the story. (choose one to do



通过本次活动,使Shopping的购物句型"Can I help you? What do you want?”“ How about?”“How much..?”等进一步扩展,并走向生活。教学的内容是在学生原有语言知识的基础上,综合运用所学过的语言知识,扩大词汇量。


2.活动准备 1)任务包课件

2)把教室布置成若干个商业地点,如KFCToy ShopFruit Shop等。


4)学生带些实物,如水果、文具、食物、玩具等。一些新出现且没有实物的用图片代替。(教师事先布置) 5)学生自制人物的头饰(教师事先布置) 4.活动过程: Step 1 Sing a song Step 2 Presentation
TToday lets do some shopping, OK? SOK!
TFirst ,lets revision. S:学生表演
THere are some tasks. Please choose! (课件出示任务包)

1 Tom 的外婆病了,Tom 和他的父母亲(Mr. ReadMrs. Read想买些水果去看望她。现在,他们到了果店。水果店有下列水果:西瓜(watermelon、苹果、梨、桔子、香蕉、
2 Kate和她的父母亲Mr. GreenMrs. Green从公园出来,Kate饿了,想去KFC吃东西。KFC里有hamburger , French fried, Coke,

orange juice, chicken等。

3Lin Tao 想买一些文具用品,他来到了新华书店。文具用品有:pen, ball pen pencil sharpener, ruler, rubber, copybook , school bag, pencil box等。

4Li Lei 和他的好友PingPing 经过一家玩具店,被一辆红色的玩具小汽车吸引住了。Li Lei 决定买下来。玩具店里还有a toy sheep, a toy panda, a toy train , a toy plane等。 Step 3 Activity Process 1.分组:

按年级分组,各年级学生选择任务包的序号,内容暂不出现。选择好后,按照任务包的内容教师安排学生分成两人组、三人组、四人组。 2.出示任务包内容,小组根据内容编写剧本。(仿照Lesson 4写,也可结合以前的句型)新单词出示音标,让学生自学。学生编剧本前,教师统一纠正。 3.小组排练并表演。 4.评价


(这样可进一步激发学生表演的欲望,进一步肯定他们的成绩,使他们体会到成功的喜悦,也为今后的课本剧比赛选拔苗子。) Step 4 Say a rhyme
Were happy today(双手指向自己,然后手画笑脸状)


Bright day, sunny day,(手在空中划一道彩虹状,然后双手 向两边伸,手作太阳状左右挥动)

Were happy today. (双手指向自己,然后手画脸状) Lets go and play.(手握拳向上,然后手放腰的两边作跑步状) Do you know the way?(手徒手写一个大问号) Take the bus today.(手作握方向盘状)

接着唱开始时的“Wheels on the bus.”(打开此首歌的Flash,全班边唱边排成一排,教师做驾驶员,学生互相搭肩作乘客,唱到Round and round”时,手做轮子滚动的样子。

最后,教师模仿公共汽车录音“Class, please take off. See you next time! 小小英语表演家 活动目的:
指导学生综合运用所学知识,自设情景,自编对话,激发其学习兴趣,培养学生自主探索。自主创造和运用语言交际的能力和创新精神,并养成文明守礼的好习惯和团结合作的精神。 活动内容分析:

活动准备:丰富的活动背景、单词图片、实物、玩具等。 活动要求:
人人参与,主动参与。自编对话合情合理,参与表演自然大方,语音、语调正确。 活动方法与顺序:
一基本训练,创设语言氛围。(三分钟) 背景一
1 值日生与同学们相互问候。 2 英语报数。 3 唱英文歌。 1Mornng Song 2Indian Boys
3Headshouldersknees and toes. 4 师生相互问候。 二、复习旧知。(六分钟)
(课前,老师在教室四课时挂上有关单词的简笔画和教学简笔挂图) 背景二:
老师说明活动要求:以小组为单位,以图片为内容进行自由交谈。 (注:这样的设计力图在提高复习强度的同时冲破课堂的柬缚,让学生在轻松、自由的环境中主动参与到学习中去。)


1、请语音、语调好的同学上台喊口令,其余学生听音做动作。如: Attention!(立正!)At ease!(稍息!)Run(跑!)Swim!(游泳!)
Touch your nosefaceeye/…… 2、齐唱英文歌。
If you are happy and you know it
(注:惜助此环节形成生动活泼的氛围,激发学生学习兴趣,是他们在愉悦的情绪中进行下一环节的练习。) 四、自设情景,表演对话。(二十七分钟) 背景三:
老师交代活动的要求:每一组同学的桌上有一些实物。请利用它们为道具,自己编情景对话。请按以下步骤进行: 1Ora1 practice,(口头练习)(四分钟) 要求:口头讨论、练习,不动道具。 2Choose the rolethen practice.(六分钟) (角色实践)
要求:进行角色化妆,再利用道具在原地自设情景,练习对话。 3Say and do in the group then choose 2 better groups.(大组选拔)(七分钟)


4Say and do in class.(全班展示)(九分钟) 1)全班展示。 2)同学评价。
(注:在道具方面,我选用了学生熟悉、喜爱的玩具、文具或用来扮演老人、外地人的假胡子、包裹、地图等。引导学生创设“拾金不昧”“助人为乐”等社会情景,使每个学生感到自己能真正尝尝当演员的滋味,使他们的表现欲得到满足。在表演中注重学生的自我评价,教师可了解学生的知识掌握情况,更能促使学生认真、主动参与这一活动,从而评价的结果是激发学生充分发展语言交际能力。) 五、教师对活动情况进行总结。(一分钟)
总结注重鼓励,利用成功感进一步激发学生的学习兴趣。 6课时My friends
二.教学目标: 1.能力目标:


b.能够说出自己或朋友的爱好。 2.知识目标:
a.能听、说、读PartB Lets talk.中的单词和句子 b.理解会说Lets chant.的内容。 3.情感目标:培养与人交往的能力。 三.教学重点:
1.学习描述自己的朋友(包括人和小动物)的外貌特征: Hes/Shes strong /cute. He/She has small eyes/long hair. 2.能介绍自己朋友的爱好: 3He/She likes sports/music. 四.教学难点:
1.使用人称代词heshe,描述男性和女性朋友的特征和爱好。 2.引导学生用几句连贯的句子向别人介绍自朋友的特征和爱好。 五.教学准备:
2.学生准备纸,自己朋友的照片(可以是老,同学,家长,小动物的照片)。 六.教学步骤:
(一)Warming-up and Revision
1.表演唱Hello(Book 1,活跃气氛并回忆课本中出现的几位外国朋友的名字。


or whiteRed or green?由该生回答。
设计意图:带出对色彩词语的复习,为下面表述人物外形作好准备。 (二)Preview
1.教师自己蒙上眼睛,随便点一位学生,问全班“Boy or girl?”学生答“A boy.”教师问Whats his name ?做这个游戏时教师可有意识地先点向男生。
2.继续以上游戏,指向女生问:Whos this girl? Whats her name? (三)Presentation and Practice 1.Look and listen
教师拿出2张自己朋友的照片进行介绍。如: Hi, boys and girls. I have many friends. Please look here.
Hes my friend. He has short hair. He likes sports. Whats his name? His name is.Shes my friend. Shes thin .She has big eyes. She likes music.
Whats her name? Her name is.
设计意图:揭示本课学习任务:介绍自己的朋友。 2Whos missing
出示四幅形象对比鲜明的人物图片:Amy(quiet, Sarah(cute, Zhang Peng (tall,strong,Wu Yifan (short,thin 让学生迅速看一眼,然后抽出

其中一张,问学生:Boy orgirl?用He’s/Shes. 描述以下此人的特征。
设计意图:复习句型 Hes/Shes.为下面综合表达奠定基础。L 3.Listen ,draw and say
教师让学生拿出白纸,学生根据教师的描述画出两个人物的简笔画。 a.Hes strong. He has big eyes/a big mouth/a small mouth.
b.Shes tall. Shes thin. She has long hair/big eyes/a big mouth.而后学生依次上台,教师引导学生连贯使用以下两个句子对画中人物进行描述:
Hes/ Shes.He/ She has. 4.Whats does your friend like?
教师示意学生离开座位走到自己朋友身边,主动告诉其他同学自己朋友的爱好。例如:He likes sport s/science/painting.She likes music /computer games.. 5.Lets chant
Friends are like you and me. Some are old , some are new. Some like green, somelike blue . Friends are like me and you 师生共同说唱。
(Consolidation and extension 1.Listen and guess.
学生以小组3~4人)为单位,用以下句型对班上某位同学进行描述, hes/Shes.He/She

has .He/She likes. 2.Fun time.
Act like a monkey. Act like a rabbit. Act like a dog. Act like a cat . Act like a duck. Act like a panda. 学生说唱表演。

第七课时The Spring Festival
教学目标 知识目标
1、掌握本课对话的重点型,能够在相应的情境下用英语交流。 2、在学习本课内容的基础上,根据学生的年龄特点和认知能力,逐步扩展文化知识的内容和范围。 技能目标

(2促使学生获取、处理和使用信息,用英语与他人交流,发展用英语解决实际问题的能力。 道德情感目标

(2拓展学生的文化视野,发展他们跨文化交际的意识和能力。 教学重点
语言技能和语言知识的学习 教学难点
通过春节这个情境培养学生语言综合能力的运用 欣赏Flash动画《Happy New Year 一问一答,巧妙渗透


Whats the greatest festival in China? Do you
like the Spring Festival? What do you do to celebrate this festival? What do you get presents from your parents?等等。根据学生的回答教师呈现相应图片,如
set off get presents have dinner chicken fireworks以便于学生对本课的内容有大致的了解。

3学生以多种形式汇报自学成果,可分角色朗读、可情境表演等等,教师对学生汇报进行指导评价。 三、拓展视野,获取信息。

学生以自己的兴趣为出发点,可以合作学习,也可以独立完成。利用网上资源充分了解圣诞节的起源、传说、圣诞节的图片、音乐等相关识,也可以在“圣诞词典”中学习和圣诞节有关的词汇。 四、归纳总结,汇报交流。
学生汇报自己印象最深的或感受最强烈的。如:“我知道了…” “看这张图片” ,“我最爱听这首圣诞歌曲”等。 五、引导学生进入“考考你” 1.在“愿你多知”里听一听,
使学生对中外文化的异同有粗略的了解。 2.知识检测。 五、制作新年贺卡。


在对春节有初步认识后,投入全部热情为你的朋友、亲人、老师等制作一张精美英新年卡。 语音聊天,赠送贺卡。
七、将收到的贺卡向老师和同学们做介绍,并谈谈此时自己的感受。 八、在歌声《Merry Christmas》中结束活动。

第八课时《A Very Hungry Snake 》英语绘本教学设计 一、教学目标: (一) 知识目标
1复习巩固星期、颜色、水果单词。学习词汇:snake, triangle rice ball, pineappleclimbing
2. 理解运用句型:It likes,Its;It eatsWhat happened? (二)技能目标
1. 能理解并运用句型描述故事:it likes,Its;It eats 2.正确理解和有感情朗读故事,发挥想象续编故事。 (三)情感目标 激发英语绘本阅读兴趣。
二、教学重点和难点:1triangle的读音 2.正确理解故事内容,会仿创编故事。
三、课前准备:多媒体课件,单词、短语卡片,图片。 四、教学过程


Step1: pre-reading 1. greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: T: What day is it today ? 2. Leading-in导入
1.T: Do you like animals? Ss:
T: I like cat .Because its cute. What animal do you like ? Ss:T: Today we are going to read a picture book about a animal. 课件出示图片Look,what is this ?((教拼读snakeDo you like this snake? Why
2.猜书名: This is the cover of the book.Could you please watch carefully and guess the name of the book ? So many ideas. Great! Now, I will show you the name.Its (读,板书 Step2:while-reading .分片段学习 1.Monday片段
A: Lets enjoy Passage 1.listen and answerWhat dose it like ? What day is it today? What dose it eat? Check out . B:教学句型It likes,Its;It eats(板书,操练 2.Tuesday片段
A; T:What dose it eat? It eatsLook, a yellow banana Its Tuesday. It eats a yellow banana.(带读)


B: 听故事-带读文本-操练guess,what happened?(one by one 3.Wednesday片段
A; T:What dose it eat? It eatsLook, triangle rice ball 操练triangle rice ball (one by one,贴板书齐读It eats a triangle rice ball B: 听文本
C: 齐读:On WednesdayIt eats a triangle rice ball 4.Thursday片段
A:引出purple grapes.学生自读,个人展示。 B: 听文本-;齐读文本
C: On Thursday. It eats purple grapes. 个人展示 5.Friday片段
A:引出pineapple purple grapes.学生自读,个人展示。 B: 听文本-;齐读文本
C: On Friday It eats purple grapes. 个人展示齐读 6.Saturday片段
A:引出apple tree,climbing B: 听文本-学生齐读
C: On SaturdayIt eats an apple tree 二、整体欣赏故事 1.听故事,齐读 Step3after-reading 1.小组合作,有感情表演故事


3.Home work介绍作者,推荐其它英语绘本。
1. 让学生了解恐龙,认识恐龙,学会“恐龙”的英文单词
2. 能听、说、读出恐龙的身体部位如 tail, neck, 还有dinosaurs, horn, big, small 3. 自制我的恐龙小书。
4. 改变恐龙以往的凶残形象让学生认为恐龙也是容易接近的。 教学重点:
1. 教学单词:tail, neck, dinosaurs, horn, big, small 2. 自制恐龙书 教学准备:
水彩笔、ppt、音频、视频、卡纸 教学方法:
游戏教学法、老师引导与示范法 教学步骤:
师:Class begin上课! 生:老师好!
师:同学们好,请坐sit down, please
师:今天我们学Dinosaurs, dinosaurs,恐龙,恐龙。你们一定听说过恐龙吧,虽然恐龙已经在地球上消失多年了,但是我们人类一直对它很有兴趣。大家认为恐龙是什么样的呢? 生:学生自由回答……
师:Okay好的,大家都说的非常好。也许你们描绘的或许以前真的存在哦。那我也稍微和大家说说恐龙。目前发现最大的恐龙叫地震龙。身长39——52米,身高18米,体重130吨。他们一走,脚踩地面,大地就会颤动,所以叫地震龙。最小的龙叫细鳄龙,身长6090厘米,体重3千克,相当于一只小狗。 (二)教学展示
师: 恐龙除了大和小的特征,还有哪些呢?大家来看些图片……因为是全英文,大家可能没全懂,但有学生,看出恐龙的几个特征了吗? 生:很长/很小/很大
师:Good很好,接下来,我们再看一遍,我给大家翻译成中文,方便大家理解。(先要学生猜,再解答意思) 师:大家意思领悟的差不多了,我们来主要学习其中的一些单词。Necktail, horn, roarOkay, stand up! 我们一起来做个恐龙操吧(音乐)
A long time ago, A long time ago(手作波浪状的动作2遍。) Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, long long neck (脖子手势


Dinosaurs, dinosaurs, long long tail (尾巴挥动 Some with horns, roar! Roar! Roar!(角,摇头) Some are big, roar! Roar! Roar!(大的手势
Some are small, roar! Roar! Roar!(小的手势)
大家分成2组,自由练习。等下请大家为大家表演一下,赢的一组可以加5分。 学生上台表演…… (三)教学练习
刚才我们学习了neck, tail, horn, roar, big ,small。我做一个动作大家说英文,然后也会请同学上来做示范。或者我说单词,学生做动作。(已出局的小朋友帮忙协助老师找出做错的东西。最后留下的三位同学有独特的奖品哦。
最后,我叫大家做个有意思的东西。叫“我的恐龙小书” (四)教学拓展
1. 目标:写出教师指定的小书文字内容;大声朗读自己的小书作品。 2. 材料:每人一张图画纸、水彩笔、剪刀
师:今天的课就到这了,see you 生:See you!

第九课时Little Red Hen
1.借助图画听懂+会读、用不同的方法表演故事(唱、演,用My aunt came back.不断重复的旋律帮助理解重复的语句What are you doing? I’m working.Can you help me? Sorry,you can’t+ talk about the story. 2.用语气变化吸引学生听觉注意力。引导学生看(观察)、读故事(理解、思考、朗读)。


教学教程: Step 1:Warm up
听歌曲My aunt comes back. Step 2: Before reading
T:Today we’ll read the story Little Red Hen. Questions before reading: Where does little red hen live? On the farm
What animals are on the farm? Cat dog pig Can you make a cake? Step 3:Listen and read the story Questions when reading: What are they doing? (What does they say? Step 4: After reading: Questions after reading:
Who are lazy? How about the little red hen? What can you learn from the story? Don’t be lazy.Work hard. Step 5: Make a new story We can do it together.


教学反思 问题:
第十课时英语绘本课:Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

1. 学生分析:学生已学习了较多的颜色及动物单词,并有了一定的句子认读能力。
2. 教材分析:国外绘本读物,句型简单、重复,有节奏感,能唱读。 二、教学目标与要求:
1. 学生能认读句子:What do you see? I see looking at me. 2. 学生能认读单词:
1)颜色:bluegreenyellowredpurplewhitebrownblack2动物:duckcatbirdbearhorsefrogdogsheepgoldfish 3)人物:teacherchildren 三、教学重难点分析:
1. 学习新句型“What do you see? I see looking at me.以便于理解绘本阅读书的故事内容。
2. 通过复习旧单词:bluegreenyellowredpurplewhitebrownblackduckcatbirdbeardog并学习新单词:horsefrogsheepgoldfishteacherchildren,拓展学生单词知识。 四、课前准备:


1. 英语绘本阅读书 2. 颜色单词卡片
3. 网上搜索相关图文、音频资料 五、教学步骤:
1. Warming up The colour train song
【设计意图:通过一首欢快的儿歌,帮助孩子们复习巩固之前所学的颜色的单词,激活旧知,为下一环节的Brainstorm做铺垫。】 2. Free talk
3. BrainstormCan you say the words of colours? 4. Magic pen: T: What do you see? S: I see a bird. T: What do you see now? S: I see a red bird.
(同样的方式呈现duck---yellow duck
【设计意图:通过这一环节,让学生更形象直观的学习如何用英语描述某种颜色的动物,同时在这一环节呈现新知What do you see? I see... 5. Lead-in:
T: What do you see? S: I see a brown bear.
Today were going to read a book about Brown Bear. Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

1. Part1I see ... looking at me.
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? I see a red bird looking at me. Red bird, red bird, what do you see? I see a yellow duck looking at me. Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see? I see a blue horse looking at me.


(teach the word horse 2. Part2
Lets guess: Can you think of the other animals in the story? Lets watch:
Lets learn: green frog, purple cat, white dog, black sheep, gold fish Lets read 3. Part3
Gold fish,gold fish, what do you see? I see a teacher looking at me. Teacher, teacher, what do you see? I see children looking at me. Children, children, what do you see?

We see a brown bear, a red bird, a yellow duck, a blue horse, a purple cat, a white dog, a black Sheep, a gold fish and a teacher looking at us. Post-reading
1. Work in pairs and read the story A. Read in roles B. Read together 2. Lets act Homework
1. Find your partner and say the words.
2. Colour the pictures and make a copy of your own. 3. Have more fun with the book




