
发布时间:2020-02-18 09:59:49




一、Listen and choose.听句子,选择所听到的单词。(8分)


( )2.A.3:30 B.6:30 C.7:30

( )3.A.June B.July C.January

( )4.A.fatter B.thinner C.stronger

( )5.A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Friday

( )6.A.postman B.secretary C.police officer

( )7.A.shoes B.shorts C.pants

( )8.A.crossing B.traffic C.straight

二、Listen and choose.听音,选择正确的图片。(8分)

三、Listen and choose.听对话,选答案。(12分)

( )1.Where did Chen Jie go yesterday?

A.The boys home. B.The hospital.

( ) 2.Does Amy go hiking every Sunday?

A.Yes,she does. B.No,she doesnt.

( )3.How did Yifan go to Turpan?

A.By plane. B.By train.

( )4.Whats Amys hobby now?

A.Playing ping-pong. B.Playing the piano.

( )5.Whose storybooks are these?

A.Mikes. B.Chen Jies

( )6.What are they talking about?

A.Mothers Day. B.Fathers Day.

四、Listen and choose.听长对话,选答案。(10分)

( )1.Where is Mike going tomorrow morning?

A.The farmers market. B.The supermarket. C.The farm.

( )2.How is Mike going there?

A.By bus. B.On foot. C.By car.

( )3.Who is Mike going with?

A.Bill. B.Mrs Booth. C.Bill and Mrs Booth.

( )4.What is Mike going to do tomorrow afternoon?

A.Pick vegetables. B.Go fishing. C.Feed the animals.

( )5.What does Mum say?

A.Keep your room clean. B.Keep to the right. C.Be careful!

五、Listen and finish.听短文,完成任务。(12分)

Mike is writing a letter to his grandpa.

(A)Listen and choose.听短文,选正确的内容。(8分)

( )1.Whats Bill like?

A.He is hard-working. B.He is polite.

( ) 2.How does Bill go to school?

A.By bus. B.By bike.

( )3.Whats Bills favourite school day?

A.He likes Wednesday. B.He likes Tuesday.

( )4.Whats Bills hobby?

A.He likes picking fruit. B.He likes watching ants.

(B)Listen again and tick or cross.再听一遍, 判断正(T)误(F)。(4分)

( )1.Every morning, Bill gets up at 6:30.

( )2.After school, Bill often picks fruit and vegetables for his family.

( )3.On the weekend, Bill goes to the pig house and reads stories to them.

( )4. This weekend Bill and Mike will go swimming and go fishing.


一、Read and judge.读单词,划线部分发音相同的写T,不同的写F。(5分)

( )1.Whose book is this,John? Oh,let me see.It’s Miss White’s.

( )2.How many horses do you have,uncle? Hmm,forty.

( )3.How do you like your new teacher? He is very kind.

( )4.Is this notebook yours? No,its not mine.

( )5.The young man is afraid of the mouse.

Read and choose.读一读,选择正确答案。(10分)

( )1. Yes.I want a pair of sunglasses.

A.Excuse me. B.Can I help you? C.Whats wrong?

( ) 2. ,John.We are in the library. Sorry.

A.Keep to the right B.Take turns C.Talk quietly

( )3.Wow!Before there many dinosaurs.

Yes.But now we can only see them in the museum.

A.are B.was C.were

( ) 4.What does your father often do on the weekend?

He often basketball with me.

A.play B.plays C.playing

( )5.Where are Jack and Tommy? They in the art room.

A.draw B.drawing C.are drawing

( )6.What size are your shoes,Amy?

They look bigger than yours.

A.Size L. B.Size 7. C.40 kg.

( )7.Where did you go last summer holiday,Amy?

I went to with my parents.

A.London B.New York C.Sydney

( )8.Which tree is older?

The one .

A.in front of the house B.by the lake C.behind the house

( )9.Look at my clothes.Theyre so dirty.Im very angry.

Oh,you should .

A.take a deep breath B.see a doctor C.wear warm clothes

( )10.There are two dogs in Lost and Found office. Which one is ?

The bigger one is .

A.yours;my B.your;mine C.yours;mine

三、Read and choose.读一读找出与对话相符合的图片。(5分)


( )1.

word/media/image7.gif ( )2.

( )3.

( )4.

( )5.

四、Read and choose.选一选,补全对话。(5分)

word/media/image8.gif Sarah:Hi,Yifan.What did you do yesterday?

Yifan: 1

Sarah:Sent money 2

Yifan:Because there was an earthquake(地震) in Yaan.

Sarah:Im so sorry. 3

Yifan:Im going to take some books and clothes to the

children there this summer holiday.

Sarah:Thats a good idea. 4

Yifan:Im going there by train.Because its cheap.

Sarah: 5

Yifan:Sure.Lets go together.

word/media/image9.gifRead and finish.阅读,完成任务。(10分)

Mike got an invitation(邀请函) from his friend,Bill.

A.Read and judge.读邀请函,用“T”“F”来判读正误。(4分)

( )1.Mike got the invitation in July.

( )2.Bills family will have a bonfire party at night at the farm.

( )3.Bills family will buy fresh fruit for the party.

( )4.Mike can bring his friends to the party.

B.Read and choose.Mike也给朋友写了邀请函并收到了回复,阅读并选择。(3分)


( )(多选题)Who will come to the party with Mike?

A.Amy B.John C.Alice D.Yifan E.Oliver

C.Read and write.Mike参加完聚会后写了一篇日记,请完成日记中的部分句子。(3分)

Today I went to the farm with my friends and had a big party.We 1. fresh fruit.We 2. songs and danced.We also 3. horses.What a fun!

word/media/image11.gif六、Read and finish.阅读Mike的海报和自我介绍,完成任务。(15分)


A.Read and answer.阅读,回答问题。(5分)

1.How tall is Mike now? He is .

2.How heavy is Mike now? He is .

3.Whatre Mikes hobbies now?

He likes .

4.What were Mikes hobbies before?

He liked .

5.What does Mike want to be in the future? He .

B.Read and write.请模仿Mike写一段自我介绍。要求:(1)姓名用Tom()Mary();(2)包含范文所有信息;(3信息真实,不抄袭。书写规范美观。(10分)




一、Listen and choose. 听句子,选择所听到的单词。

1. How do you get to the UK?

2. It’s half past seven. It’s time for English class.

3. What’s the weather like in Zhejiang in July?

4. He is 48 kilograms. He is fatter than me.

5. There is a dance class on Friday.

6. My uncle is a postman. He works at a post office.

7. A man is wearing a hat and shorts.

8. Turn left at the bookstore and then go straight.

二、Listen and choose. 听音,选择正确的图片。

1. My pen pal likes playing the pipa.

2. We went to Hangzhou last summer.

3. My uncle is a pilot.

4. I’d like some fish and vegetables.

5. Turn right at the cinema, please.

6. It’s a big high mountain.

7. He played basketball yesterday.

8. We often eat zongzi and row dragon boats at the Dragon Boat Festival.

三、Listen and choose. 听对话,选答案。

1. Mike: Why are you so tired, Chen Jie?

Chen Jie: My grandpa was ill in hospital. I went to the hospital and looked after him yesterday.

Mike: I’m sorry to hear that.

2. John: What do you do on Sundays, Amy?

Amy: I often clean my room on Sundays. Sometimes I go hiking with my friends.

3. Amy: Where did you go for your holiday, Yifan?

Wu Yifan: I went to Turpan.

Amy: How did you go there?

Wu Yifan: I went there by train.

4. John: What’s your hobby, Amy?

Amy: I liked playing piano before, but now I like playing ping-pong.

5. Chen Jie: What are these, Mike?

Mike: They are my storybooks.

6. Boy: When is Father’s Day?

Girl: It’s on the third Sunday in June.

四、Listen and choose. 听长对话,选答案。

Mike: Hello, Mum. This is Mike.

Mum: Hi, Mike. How are you?

Mike: Fine, thanks. Mum, I’m going to the farmers’ market tomorrow morning.

Mum: Really? How are you going there?

Mike: I’m going there by bus.

Mum: Who are you going with?

Mike: I’m going with Bill and Mrs Booth.

Mum: What are you going to do in the afternoon?

Mike: I’m going to go fishing.

Mum: Great! Be careful!

Mike: Thank you!

五、Listen and finish. 听短文,完成任务。

AListen and choose. 听短文,选正确的内容。

Dear Grandpa,

How are you? I’m on a farm. I meet a good friend here. His name is Bill. He’s tall and strong and he’s a polite boy. Every morning, he gets up at 6:00. After breakfast, he goes to school by bike. He has six classes a day. He likes art class and science class best, so he likes Tuesday best. After school, he often picks fruit and vegetables for his family. Sometimes he goes to the goat house and reads stories to the goats on the weekend. Bill likes swimming and watching ants. This weekend, I will go swimming and fishing with him.


BListen again and tick or cross. 再听一遍,判断正(T)误(F)。

Dear Grandpa,

How are you? I’m on a farm. I meet a good friend here. His name is Bill. He’s tall and strong and he’s a polite boy. Every morning, he gets up at 6:00. After breakfast, he goes to school by bike. He has six lessons a day. He likes art classes and science class best, so he likes Tuesday best. After school, he often picks fruit and vegetables for his family. Sometimes he goes to the goat house and reads stories to the goats on the weekend. Bill likes swimming and watching ants. This weekend, I will go swimming and go fishing with him.




一、15 ACBAC 68 ABC

二、15 BAAAB 68 AAA


四、15 AACBC

五、(A14 BBBB B14 FTFT


一、1—5 FTTFF

二、1—5 BCCBC 6—10 BAAAC

三、1—5 EADCB

四、1—5 BAEDC

五、A.1—4 FTFT B.ACD C.1.ate 2.sang 3.rode

六、A.1.1.6 metres

2.50 kilogram

3.reading storybooks and playing football

4.reading picture books and watching TV

5.wants to be a coach

B.Hello,I’m Tom.When I was 7 years old,I was 1.25 metres and 20 kilograms.I liked reading books and seeing films.I was a shy boy.Now I’m 12 years old.I’m 40 cm taller than before.And I’m 25 kilograms heavier than before. I like playing football and playing tennis.I’m active now.In the future,I want to be a pilot.Because pilots are cool.

