英语知识点外研版英语九下Module 5《Look after yourself》word模块教案-总结

发布时间:2018-05-18 13:28:52

Module 5 Look after yourself



Unit 1 We’d better get you to hospital.


Knowledge objective

Words and expressions: catch up, agreement, blind, ouch, call off

Ability objective


Moral objective





学会catch up, call of等短语的使用。


PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Ss look the pictures and answer the questions.

Step 2 Look and say

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. Do you think the person is seriously hurt?

2. What do you think has happened to him?

Step 3 Listening

1. Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.

1. Has Tony’s dad ever had an accident?

2. How long did it take for the wound to get better after Tony’s dad cut his finger?

3. What parts of his body hurt after Tony’s dad fell off his bike?

4. What is Tony reading about for his school trip?

Keys: Yes, he has.

About a month.

His knee and shoulder.

He is reading about personal safety and accidents in the mountains.

Step 4 Reading

1. Now complete the accident report.

Accident report

Where:___________________ Who:______

What happened: ________________________


How the person was hurt: ________________

2. Learning to learn

Timely revision is important in learning. When you review your lessons, try to list the key structures and expressions and more importantly, note any occasions where you had difficulty in learning.

3. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.

1) Why did Mr Jackson decide to go and look for Tony and Daming?

2) What happened to Daming?

3) When did the accident happen?

Keys: Because it’s going to rain.

He fell over when he was running down the steps. He’s hit his head and his leg hurts.

About ten minutes ago.

4. Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box.

accident, agreement, blind, catch up, hurt

We had a(n) (1) _________ to stay together, but Tony and Daming were too slow. We stopped to wait for them to (2) ________. But Daming had a(n) (3) _______ and (4) ____ himself. He was afraid of going (5) ______ because he could not see very well. It was nothing serious, though. However, we had to call off the walk and go home.

Keys: agreement, catch up, accident, hurt, blind

Step 5 Everyday English

Let Ss say what they have learnt in the passage.

Who’s missing?

How do you feel?

It’s nothing serious.

Step 6 Language points

Ss should master the main points from the passage in Part 3. If possible, let the students to say at first.

1. They’ll catch up in a few minutes.

catch up 赶上

catch up with sb. 赶上某人

e.g. He caught up with his classmates soon. 他很快就赶上了他的同学。

2. I thought we had an agreement to stay together.

agreement 同意,意见一致

have an agreement to do sth. 同意去做某事 等于agree to do sth.

e.g. Our class had an agreement to have a picnic next week.


3. Will I go blind?

blind adj. 失明的瞎的

e.g. Tom helped the blind man across the road.


e.g. Love is blind and sometimes deaf.

4. It’s nothing serious.

nothing serious 不很严重,没什么大事

e.g. Don’t worry! Nothing serious!



e.g. Is there anything important?


5. Tony, tell everyone we have to call off the walk and go back home.

call off 取消,决定终止

e.g. The president has called off the meeting.


Step 7 Listening

1. Listen and mark the pauses.

It’s Daming. He’s had an accident. He fell over when he was running down the steps. He’s hit his head and his leg hurts. I think he’s broken his leg.

2. Now listen again and repeat.

Step 8 Speaking

1. Read aloud. Make sure you pause in the right places and then listen and check.

Of course you will! It’s nothing serious. Tony, tell everyone we have to call off the walk and go back home.

Now listen again and repeat.

2. Talk about an accident you have had and say in pairs.

where it happened

It happened on my way to school.

what happened

A car stopped in front of me. I fell off my bike.

how you were hurt

I cut my face, and hurt my arms and knees.

how long it took to get better

It was three weeks before I could ride my bike again.

Step 9 Exercises

1. I have ____ to tell you. Please come to my office.

A. something important

B. anything important

C. important something

D. important anything

2. The two companies has had a(n) ____ to open a new factory in the north of China.

A. blood B. group

C. agreement D. mobile

3. Hurry up, and we’ll _____ other students in front of us.

A. go up B. catch up

C. get up D. sit up

4. He ______ the trip because of the bad weather.

A. call off B. called off

C. call up D. called up

Keys: A, C, B, B

Step 10 Homework


Unit 2 Get off the sofa!


Knowledge objective

Key vocabulary—expect, require, physical, effort, harm

Key expression—thanks to, health care, once in a while

Ability objective

To get information about five rules for a healthy life.

Moral objective

To know about the meaning of a healthy life.

To make yourself have a healthy life habit.


To learn some expressions in the passage.


To get information from the article.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Warming up

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

Step 2 New words

The teachers shows the new words and expressions, then let the students to say as quickly as possible.

Step 3 Look and say

Look at the pictures on pages 42-43, then answer “What do the pictures tell you?”.

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the passage and answer the following questions.

1. Do people live longer than before?

2. Is eating fruit and vegetables good for your health?

Step 5 Reading

1. Read the passage and match with the rules with the pictures.

2. Read the passage and answer the questions.

1) What are the five rules for a healthy life according to the writer?

2) Are people today getting the same amount of exercise as they did in the past? Why?

3) Why is it sometimes difficult to be a teenager?

4) Who do you think the passage is written for?

Step 6 Language points

1. Thanks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives.


thanks to+名词/动词ing, 表示多亏,归功于

e.g. I made much progress thanks to his help.


health care表示医疗服务

e.g. Old people can get good health care in our neighbourhood.


2. Someone who is born today can expect to live about thirty-five years longer than someone who was born in the nineteenth century.


expect to do sth.表示预料做某事,预计做某事

e.g. We expect to get more gold medals in the coming Olympic Games.


3. To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day.


keep fit表示保持健康

e.g. She tries to keep fit by jogging everyday.


4. In the past, people’s jobs required more physical effort.



require + n./ to do sth./doing sth./that 从句

e.g. Theses pets require a lot of care.


The situation requires that he be present.


5. You should only have it once in a while.


once in a while表示偶尔,有时,间或

e.g. He went to see them once in a while.


6. Eating too much of the wrong food will harm your health.


harm v./n. 表示损害,伤害

do harm to …表示……造成伤害

e.g. Be careful, or the sharp stone may harm your foot.


7. Say no to smoking! 拒绝吸烟。

say no/yes (to…) “(……) /

e.g. Their offer was so good that I couldn’t say no.


Did you say yes to her invitation?


Step 7 Summary

Let Ss read the passage first and then fill in the blanks with the words in the box on page 43.

Step 8 Writing

1. Read the passage in Activity 2 again. Think of one more example of what you should or should not do for each rule.

2. Think of more rules and examples of your own.

3. Write a passage called My rules for a healthy life. Include the rules and examples you have written in Activity 5 and 6.

Step 9 Exercises

1. His life was saved ___ better medical technology.

A. thank to B. thanks to C. thank for D. thanks for

2. Our parents _____ us to get higher education.

A. worry B. believe C. expect D. harm

3. We face the same difficulty ____ everyone does in the beginning of the business.

A. for B. to C. as D. with

4. Everybody should ______ drinking when driving.

A. say no to B. say yes to

C. say hello to D. say thanks to

Step 10 Homework

Finish the written task.

Unit 3 Language in use


Knowledge objective

To get the students to be able to use the key vocabulary and new words that they’ve learnt in this unit.

Ability objective

To summarize and consolidate all kinds of tenses.

Moral objective

To be glad to give a hand to others.

To look after yourself and have a healthy life every day.


To be able to write with the right tenses.


Through listening, speaking and writing, let students practice all kinds of tenses.


PWP method, task-based method


A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures


Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Revision and lead-in

Let Ss look at the pictures and answer the questions to review what they have learnt.

Step 2 Language practice

To master the tense.

I think it’s going to rain.

He fell over when he was running down the steps.

He’s hit his head and his leg hurts. I think he’s broken his leg.

Who’s missing?

Will I live?

Step 3 Grammar



Step 4 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words and expressions in brackets

1. Let Ss read the dialogue completely.

Lingling: Are you (1) __________(plan) to join a summer camp, Daming? My friend (2)______ (go) to one of those last year. He said he (3) _________ (get up) at 6 am every day!

Daming: Yes, I’m not very happy about getting up early, but I (4) ______(love) sports and often (5) _________(do) exercise, so it’ll be worth it.

Lingling: There’s a lot of football. You’ll like that.

Daming: Yes. I’ve (6) ________(play) football for many years. I (7) ______ (have) good football skills, but I hope I can learn even more at the camp!

2. Fill in the brackets with the correct tenses.

Keys: planning went got up love do played have

Step 5 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in brackets

1. Read the passage from the beginning to end.

A woman (1) ______ (come) home to find her husband in the kitchen. He (2) _______(shake)

widely from side to side. Then the woman (3)_________ (notice) that he (4) ______ (stand)

with one hand on the cooker! Naturally she thought her husband (5)___________(touch) the

electricity. To pull him away from the cooker, she (6) _____ (hit) his arm with a piece of wood.

“What did you do that for?” he cried in pain. “I was (7) ________ (make) some tea, and (8)

_________(dance) to rock music on my MP3 player!”

2. Use the correct tense to fill in the brackets.

Keys: came was shaking noticed was standing touched hit making dancing

Step 6 Describe the pictures

Look at the pictures and describe them in pairs. Use the words in the box to help you to describe


Step 7 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the words in the box

1. Read the conversation carefully.

A: What’s that you’re wearing around your stomach?

B: It’s a new piece of technology that records how many (1) _______ you walk each day.

A: Why do you want to know?

B: Because to keep fit, you need to walk at least 10,000 steps a day! It’s important, both for a (2) __________ heart and for you to feel good.

A: You’re taking a sudden interest in exercise!

B: Yes. For the past couple of months, I have put on a lot of weight. I should spend some time (3) ___________.

A: But at least you’ve never taken up (4) ________.

B: Yes, I’m really glad about that! Smoking is the (5) _________ thing you can do for your health.

2. Now complete the conversation with the words in the box.

Keys: steps healthy exercising smoking worst

Step 8 Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box

1. Read the sentences carefully.

1) The website introduces some good ways to ___________.

2) It takes me _________ one hour to walk 10,000 steps.

3) My grandfather is having a happy life _________ many years of healthy food and exercise.

4) I’m sure we’ll have even better health care ______________.

5) Staying up late _____________ is all right, as long as you usually get about

eight hours’ sleep a night.

2. Now complete the passages with the correct expressions in the box.

Keys: keep fit at least thanks to in the future once in a while

Step 9 Listening

1. Listen to Part 6 and and answer the questions.

1) Where does the conversation take place?

2) Who is talking?

3) What is the problem?

2. Now listen again and complete the notes.

Keys: Hospital.

Mr Maxwell and doctor.

Mr Maxwell wants to give up smoking and he needs some advices from doctor.

Step 10 Listening

Listen to Part 8 and answer the questions.

Patient: Mr Maxwell


He started smoking _____ years ago.

Has he tried to stop smoking before?

Yes / No

General health: Fit / Not fit

Has a(n) _______ and often gets ___________.

Advice: _____________________________

Keys: 25 Yes

Not fit cough lots of colds

To join in a group that often works because you have other people to help you.

Step 11 Reading

1. Listen and answer the questions.

1) Who is smoking?

2) Did Kate talk with her father about smoking face to face?

Keys: Kate’s father.

No, she didn’t.

2. Read the email and match the ideas with the paragraphs.

a) Kate asks her father to stop smoking.

b) Kate tells her father why smoking is also bad for non-smokers.

c) Kate explains why she is writing the email.

d) Kate tells her father why smoking is bad for him.

Keys: 4 3 1 2

3. Choose the correct answers.

1) Kate is writing to her father because ____.

a) he has stopped smoking

b) she misses her father

c) she wants him to stop smoking

d) her mum asked her to

2)Kate has found out that smoking ______.

a) is not so bad

b) causes many illnesses

c) makes people think slowly

d) outside is dangerous

3) Kate’s mother does not like _______.

a) smoking outside

b) the smell of Kate

c) the smell in the house

d) the smell of smoke in the house

4) Kate is afraid that _________.

a) she and her mother will fall ill

b) her clothes will smell of smoke

c) she will start to smoke

d) she cannot help her father

Keys: d) b) d) a)

Step 12 Around the world

Learn about the laughter for health.

Laughter for health

There is an old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine.” Now people are using laughter to improve their health in countries all around

the world. In some countries special centres for treating illnesses with laughter were set up and became popular. In 2003, a study in Austria showed that laughing helped patients get better faster. It made them relax, and this improved their general health.

Laughing helps us feel happier. And it gives the body exercise too. Doctors say five minutes of laughing is as good for you as fifteen minutes in the gym!

Step 13 Writing

1. Work in groups. Give advice for the following problems.

I’ve just moved to a new area. I’m unhappy because I don’t know anyone.

It’s making me feel sad.

I can’t get my friend to give up smoking.

I have difficulty sleeping. I worry so much about my schoolwork.

2. Have a class discussion about the problem.

3. Write some advice for each problem.

Step 14 Exercises

Do some exercises and draw the answers from the Ss.

1. I ___ my city for a long time. I really miss it.

A. left B. went away from C. have been away from

2.--What do you often do at weekends?

--I often _______ my grandparents.

A. visit B. visited C. have visited D. will visit

3.--What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon?

--I ______ the classroom.

A. was cleaning B. have cleaned C. will clean

4. He _____ in this factory for 20 years already.

A. will work B. work

C. has worked D. is working

Keys: C A A C

Step 15 中考链接

Do some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools.

1.—Have you ever _______ an amusement park?

—Yes, I have. I ______ Fun Times Amusement Park last year.2014达州】

A. been to, have gone to B. gone to, have been to

C. go to, went to D. been to, went to

2. —Are you going anywhere?

—I _______ about visiting my sister, but I have changed my mind. 2014河南】

A. think B. have thought

C. will think D. thought

3. —Does the bus go to the beach?

—No. You _______ the wrong way. You want the Number 11. 2014河南】

A. go B. were going

C. are going D. would go

4. On May 22, a Han taxi driver _______ an old lady to the hospital as soon as he could in Xinjiang. 2014陕西】

A. sent B. sends

C. is sending D. has sent

5.—Where is Mr. Zhao?

—He ______ to Mount Fanjing. He’ll come back ______ a week. 2014铜仁】

A. has been; in B. has gone; after

C. has gone; in D. has been; after

6. I’m busy now. I ______ to you after school this afternoon. 2014河北】

A. talk B. talked

C. will talk D. have talked

7.—I suppose you are at least 60 years old.

—Thank you. I’m glad you ______ that. My real age is 80. 2014黄冈】

A. say B. said

C. are saying D. were saying

8. Beijing and Zhangjiakou ________ applying to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in

2013. 2014连云港】

A. begin B. began

C. have begun D. had begun


Step 16 Homework


英语知识点外研版英语九下Module 5《Look after yourself》word模块教案-总结
